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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Great lift in intensity Demons. Please get the next goal!!
  2. Harris should've taken responsibility there. She can make the distance.
  3. Kate Hore gets one out the back from some bleedin' fast ball movement. It's not that hard girls!!!
  4. We're simply not fit enough to beat Adelaide. You can't beat a side that runs that much harder than you that you're always outnumbered.
  5. "Use your speed" – Direction from the coaches Amen EDIT: Well that's a censored start
  6. You reckon a few more handpasses will fix our issues, or a bit of talking? A lot of our problems in this game relate to game plan - you need a lot of chin wagging to come up with a new gameplan on the fly...
  7. I don't rate Zanker at all the way she currently plays. To me, she's like a big unbroken horse (not in any way a physical comparison - just in terms of attitude and demeanour) - but no one can make her behave sensibly. Obvious power and skill, but cannot reign it in to be of benefit to the team. Just goes the don't argue, see ball get ball at all opportunities.
  8. I reckon Harris has some mental demons - she is afraid to go 100% when there's something on the line. She'll cannon into whoever is in her way in the H+A series, but come a final she goes into her shell.
  9. That goal could be very important, but we can't continue playing the same method or we've got no chance. We have to go quick, and use McNamara, Bannon, Hore, Paxman as handball links in a chain and try to get over the back or ping pong through them.
  10. Kicking to Harris on 4 players isn't the answer. Thank GOD for Bannon. We would have one goal in 2 weeks if not for her.
  11. Adelaide out-working us, either through greater fitness or desire, but there are constantly more Crows jumpers at every contest than Dees jumpers.
  12. Adelaide keeping us in it, but we can't continue playing this way or we'll get smashed.
  13. Sam Lane: "They're trying to tape that right calf, knee, thigh area" That's called the entire leg Sam.
  14. We've got good running power. I think we need to stop trying to kick through Adelaide's defence and start trying to run through it.
  15. Pretty sure the maybe/might has saved me.
  16. It's early in the year but it seems pretty likely to me that our contenders from last year (Brisbane, Geelong, Bulldogs…Port) have all dropped off from last year, and those who have risen are unlikely to be quite ready this year (e.g., Carlton, and…um…I'll get back to you). Melbourne isn't quite flying offensively, but our defence is as good or better than last year and we have the belief now. This might be one of those "easy" premiership years, if there is such a thing - one dominant side and a lot of not-quite-there aspirants.
  17. Geelong wins. The things we must suffer to be top of the ladder.
  18. Tommy Hawkins loves a good old shove square in the back. Just ask Steven May's hammy.
  19. Danger goes to ground a lot. Anyone else noticing that?
  20. Dangerfield takes the legs recklessly in a dive. Commentators gush for 3 straight minutes about his courage.
  21. Both these sides would have scored about 4-5 goals less at this stage of the game against us.
  22. I can't abide a fool. It's a sickness of mine.
  23. BT has a point re intercepts vs regular marks. If you just beat your opponent in a marking contest it should be a standard contested mark - not an intercept. An intercept mark should be if it's kicked by the opposite team and it's not your direct opponent you've marked against, or if it's an uncontested mark.
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