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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. I am not arguing the opposite of that either… I feel like the German management that were talking to Homer after they bought the Nuclear Power Plant. I am just saying that we identify the talent we want and if we have to mortgage next year - we will do it. If we have to bundle picks to get up the order - we will do it. If we have to pay overs to get the first pick to get this kid - we may well just do that too. We will do this, that, and the other thing!
  2. Mate, you missed my point; some posters are alluding to pick 3 being just as good as pick 1 but Lamb and Taylor don’t seem to think like that - they go up the draft to get a specific player ie. Oliver and Pickett.
  3. I don’t think Lamb and Taylor are trying to get ‘ND1’ - they are trying to get this specific kid. Just like what they did to get up the order and get Oliver and Pickett.
  4. I think it’s Brown and he just has to be managed to get there at the right time of the year.
  5. Or we pick up 3 ok players that help on the fringes instead of replacing the generational talent with another young generational talent. If Lamb and Taylor do this - the kid must be special.
  6. Thought it was rather benign to when I listened to it… We are making out really well and if Twomey is right that we are gunning to get up to ND1 - we might get a talent back similar to LJ for the deal we made.
  7. They will cover the spread. I hate it but they always go up a gear with us.
  8. I get that. I just think we have three weeks we should win even with a few managed.
  9. We are really only talking about injured/sore players. They played May, Gawn, Oliver, Petracca, Lever, Salem, Brown and a couple other less prominent players through Injuries last year and it didn’t end well. I say we make do as StK has and as ESS have. Let the remaining stars work it out and get them to play as a team. Continuity is not that important yet.
  10. Now that Kev and me are settled, LET ME GIVE YOU A PIECE OF MY MIND AGGRESSIVE? I WILL SHOW YOU AGGRESSIVE! Yes, it’s a puppet and written poorly and he has no agency is effectively a cat or a pet of some kind but… HE IS SO CUTE!! Look at him using the force to do the thing with the chair
  11. I don’t know what to tell you, mate. Other than racist, sexist, etc language - I dont tell people what they can and can’t say. That’s for Andy to dictate. Now as for my advice - does it matter? It was a colourful way for me to imply that the comment about a man’s loyalty and commitment says more about you than it does them. I understand many are worried he will leave, I don’t much care for impugning the loyalty of players (which has famously backfired on me 15 years ago) and that has led to this [censored] for tat. Now, we can leave it there if we want…
  12. That’s not what triggers me, it’s the judgement of character and loyalty that irks me but whatever - free speech and all… …on this privately owned website, funded by private people, bought off privately owned SaaS or PaaS services, on privately owned servers all across the globe…
  13. People are ‘thumbing’ me? Good lord, I hope they asked first. You gave your opinion; mendacious at it is and I didn’t say you couldn’t have it did I? I said ‘I’ effing hated it and gave some broad base advice about where to keep your neuroses. I do find it so very ironic that you took such offence at the perceived slight when you accuse a player of the club we follow of disloyalty and absence of the mind.
  14. I think we simply have to rotate players the next three weeks. Geelong would do it and still win, we might do it and drop a game but we can’t smash our stars and expect different results to last years fade-outs and then season fade-out. But cue the nuffies who will jump on here and talk about ‘of course we didn’t play well Melksham/Dunstan/Harmes/TMac/Schache/BBB/insert name here played!1!1!1!’
  15. I get what you are saying, red. But they are just probably outside the restricted area and they weren’t ‘demonstrative’ either.
  16. He’s not Schwartz but who is? He’s his own thing - stilted but effective kick, strong body who likes aerial contact and doesn’t mind driving through a pack to take a mark. It’s really promising.
  17. I would get Brown in there so fast. Injuries aside - his form was fine.
  18. I EFFING hate this. Keep your neuroses to yourself
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