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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. That is how I read what Griffith said in the pod with Andy and the boys. 3 ‘weeks’ where you can put more work into the lads and it not majorly impact fortunes.
  2. Harmes has hardly been playing as it is. I think JJ is a neat player who can play on ball and find the footy but nothing more than that. I think he will leave as a FA and with Turner coming up onto the list and Melksham, Hibberd and Dunstan leaving that is only two spots for the draft. Don’t think we will go to the draft with 4 picks inside 30 with only two list spots. Then you are looking at trades and retirements of contracted players… not easy to do.
  3. I think it would be best for all if he went. He isn’t getting opportunities and I wouldn’t make waves to get him in the surf, so to speak.
  4. We were so poor against them. Very Melbourne to miss out on a top 5 pick because we lost to the 6th worst team on our home deck…
  5. Autocorrect is on the side of the machines
  6. Machines don’t get infected blisters, Jaded. Machines don’t go THE HOSPITAL No, we learnt a truth that we should have been protected from… Clayton Oliver is… A HUMAN.
  7. Oh AI. Love we are investing trillions into automating the use of MS Paint quality photo splicing. The tech industry has its next Ponzi scheme… God, that triggered me quick.
  8. Agree on all of that. At one point in the second the crowd was so cagey; Melb fans because we were dominating and doing nothing, and Pies fans probably because they were being dominated. It was like a theatre crowd. Hearing coughing and the players yelling. BUT the crowd got involved at moments and was really loud and energised - Grundy, Hunter hit, our 3rd term and the the last 10 mins both sides. Was good fun to watch that footy game. Tough contest and reminded me of the finals in 2018. Love this team! Glad to have seen them live the last three weeks.
  9. I went to the Freo and Carlton games; we had issues turning turnover into quick forward movement that ended with a deep entry into the 50. It was stagnant or weirdly daring and not on same wavelength across players. Goodwin bangs on every week about how we are not the finished product and who would be - footy seasons are marathons. To that end; I have no idea why some are so offended by statements that we are not there yet with our connection. By definition of our dominant press last week - it had not been to that level this season - it is something that has improved. I expect the forward line to get better with its movement and with our ability to deliver into the forward line with deep entries that will improve or goal kicking accuracy. It is not ridiculous or ludicrous or whatever other adjective one may have - it’s footy. Either you IMPROVE over the season or you don’t - and last year we didn’t and got worked over amongst other issues.
  10. Yes he did. After 226 consecutive games. The media created a narrative around him ‘counting his games’ and it being a distraction. Dumb all around
  11. Or at least we would like to see him Amiss … About time for me to hit the old dusty trail… ah, found the fire door
  12. This smells funny. It’s footy, you can go down and play VFL and get the pill. This sounds like they want out of the team. I had heard that Springfield is not a happy place and then weird things like this happen…
  13. They should first review the reviews Or perhaps even review the notion of reviews
  14. Woewodin the last to re-sign. With 4 picks in the top 40 we will absolutely try to consolidate and get up the order in November.
  15. People aren’t going to get your joke, mate
  16. Loved Salem’s substantive words to the journo. That was a good read.
  17. We smashed them in the contest and strangled their ball movement. Just take the L
  18. That hit was as fun as Whelan’s on Hird (ok maybe not that much fun) but we did then win the game!
  19. And what does he do when we don’t have the ball? In this defence first team? Where front half turnovers are worth so much? All the noises I hear from Goodwin and Stafford tell me he does his job so well, it doesn’t matter if others get the rewards.
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