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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Re: Melksham - with Sparrow’s sealer, Melksham engaged his defender leading at the ball at exactly the right time to protect his teammate and not give away a free. I think it was Howard?? Anyway, this is the more nuanced forward craft and selflessness that I have been banging on about - do we work for each other? Do we lead out of space to allow others? Do we protect our teammates and help them excel? Jake is in his last season in football and he is still contributing and we should applaud it and be thankful. We are in between forward line eras atm and he may help to bridge it and keep us competitive this year. Just ride with it.
  2. Freo was always going to Freo this up, but to do it with Carlton as the antagonist?? With the writers on strike right now it’s as good a plot to a movie as any… If AI wrote that not only did Freo lose at home to put themselves in the bottom 5, but they did it to Carlton AND by ten goals… if AI wrote that you would be like ‘what is this stilted, tired, fantastical nonsense…’
  3. With Eeyore Longmuir in charge I would think they will give up and find other hobbies in their life; woodworking or paint-by-numbers…
  4. You have seen the best of Max. Deal with it. The FD have decided the 4 more years of Max as back up/fwd is better than 2 as the primary. I would have made a similar gamble if it was me - but I would also have a stern talking to Max about how to be a fwd and keep him in the theatrette at AAMI Park watching video every week for 3 hours… We all need to realise that for us to be great the next few years; Grundy is our number one and Gawn’s first duty is as a forward.
  5. Yes, I do sometimes stop and think about that. No team relishes playing us, and as I said in another thread last week - we should always be in games and a chance to win, even with our known forward issues.
  6. We relied heavily on stoppage goals early, so our turnover game was not there, our press was cut through early too. Quick teams will always do well against a press. Thankfully May is a great backstop. It was hard to see on TV but we looked like we weren’t as aggressive with the high press and allowed more chains off half back - by definition it creates more spaces for forwards if you with it quick.
  7. Are those that went to the game doing wind sprints in the aisles? Give me a break.
  8. Ross the Boss has that team committed… what a great pressure performance from them. I think that we only won because of our efficient forward line and our desire to lower our eyes (on occasion). Ahhhh. Let’s just take the contested possession loss as an aberration. Move on. Sigh
  9. I don’t think we are as bad as last year when it was obvious (to me at least) that we were kicking long to the near side pocket to protect our beaten up and beaten down mids and half forwards and minimise the sieve that we were for most of last year. So we are not as bad but you can’t argue our entries are anything but troublesome atm. We rarely spot up 65m out and go to 20m with a quick direct kick, we rarely hit to a lead after some forward movement and craft, and at our best we get a few transition ‘lollipop hands into the square’ goals. On the forward structure; the MC is putting its faith in the smaller and older brigade to provide that lead up and movement and I can’t blame them for moving in that route - for example, JVR was being ‘trained’ to the slow play pack form movement and it’s hard for kids to lead into spots the ball never goes… As for our defensive structure; it’s great, we can rarely turn the screws, but that’s when you need smart delivery and forward craft even more, when the ground is smaller because you made it smaller.
  10. Great player, perfect blend of skill and hardness.
  11. Still would take him, Dom and Jayden over Kelly…
  12. I still have hope our best tall forward can right the ship. Although I recently rewatched mighty ducks 2 so I might be just affected by that.
  13. Petty was coming back from injury and came back after repeated noises from Goodwin about him playing forward. Tomlinson shows a 3rd tall is still intrinsic to Lever performing well and our press clicking and then suddenly the Petty Forward Experiment is done… Adam can feel hard done by.
  14. I think prospective members like points more than Inside 50s… #territorygame #kickitlongbutdontsingthesong
  15. If we are relying on a stifled and poorly supplied 19 year old to kick a winning score - we are in huge trouble.
  16. Oh, and can they just do some dusting at Marvel? It’s all coated in dust.
  17. The MC must be really worried about their pace off HB at the Saints on that deck… Surprised at JVR but this just means I was right - he wasn’t ‘managed’ he was dropped and that is ok, he should come back in soon and be better for it. Glad Melksham gets to 100 with some semblance of form and Brown can straighten us up to some degree. He has great forward craft and leading patterns - we need to unlock it this year to win finals, especially without Fritsch.
  18. I feel like we have done that so well that now I am pitching in the other direction - get Howes and Woey in, JVR needs to be a regular next year, Laurie needs 6 games to see if he is up to it, Turner needs opportunities etc. This is why I am comfortable with some turnover of more than just the obvious players (Harmes, Jordon etc) - we need to provide opportunities.
  19. Jeez, I am sucker for the Father Son rule.
  20. Isn’t this the intention when dropping promising youngsters? That they play well and get some confidence and form? JVR will have to come back as we figure out how to play without our best forward but there was nothing wrong with a 19 year old playing ‘2s’… that’s the least of querysome selection decisions of late.
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