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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Thanks Uncle, is the maid hiding or have you already administered a fearful thrashing, and If I ever am in fair Romsey it would be a pleasure to provide fine wine for entertainment at "The Manor"
  2. Spargo's new avatar From now on thats what I'll call him, Fair enough??
  3. Glad he has taken heed of my advice, was excellent today!
  4. No, I dont write notes but prefer to cruise around the ground, taking in different angles and scenes. I commit to memory, Notes??? No way!
  5. "Lines join in faint discord as the Stormwatch brews a concert of kings as the white sea snaps at the heals of a soft prayer whispered" Welcome to Casey Fields, weather report as above, ohhh hang on just got a bit of crossed wires happening via transmission some static about, .......%$(*&^$$$#@!@#$%t*()))))) As we take the cricket commentary from the legendary John Arlott "As we watch fer the ferst time Lileeeeeee Long tall lean Australian Gladiator as he goes back to his mark from the Kirstall Rd end and as he turns just meters from the fence we hear the familiar tooot of the 11.47 Cheshire Flyer sounding an ominous hoot as it ia about to reach Birmingham Station... Now Lillee starts his run up from about 60 meters from umpire Harry "Dickie Bird" .... AHH sorry about thank Demonlanders now lets segway to Benny Brown Now Benny Brown has taken a strong mark and lines up from about 40 metres away, but walks back another 60 metres and is just metres from the wing fence and starts his run up in symphonic fashion typically fluent effortless as as he nears the mark he gathers pace dropps the ball truly and scores a major. The players all gather around Benny as clearly the big man is back! Others have reported well todays classh but if I can just add a couple of things Ben Brown is absolutley ready no doubt in my mind moved extremely well hit the post once and nearly clunked another 3 or so marks. Taken of and half time and did some 220 run throughs. I would play him next week Sam Weiderman had an Alice Cooper, "Welcome to my nightmare" hardly touched it but not helped by some very average disposal Majak Daw, Enigmatic some of his taps were superb and he really started to clunk marks, Did not waste a kick and also kicked a goal , is easily fit enough and could play NOW Mitch Brown knows where to run and how to kick a goal, ( He had 3 AND a hand in another, not to be written of AVB Started reasonably and finished dominatly, imposed himself on the contest and played a typically grunty game Deakyn Smith really liked what I saw as iterated makes good decisions and positions nicely Toby Bedford Live as a couple of Slitherers seen over the journey, has a bag of tricks and uses the ball well very well, kicked a ripper goal twisting "A La Kossy" one to watch Oscar Baker flashed in and out and did enough but not sure he is the answer on a wing Bailey Laurie, Jake Bowey, Fraser Rosman again all displayed the attributes that saw them drafted but may take some time Hibbo Very good defensive and offensive game set up quite a few plays Joel Smith solid without being spectactular, sometimes his disposal can be hit and miss, I still reckon he is a forward! Jay Lockheart very good on occasions and you know with him you will get solid commitment. Thats about it Chandler, Petty did ok , Bradke is a fair way of. @#^&&***((((&^$#@#@!@@ Oh heres that static again Oh and its back to John Arlott at Birmingham..... "As we watch fer the ferst time Lileeeeeee Long tall lean Australian Gladiator as he goes back to his mark from the Kirstall Rd end and as he turns just meters from the fence we hear the familiar tooot of the 11.47 Cheshire Flyer sounding an ominous hoot as it ia about to reach Birmingham Station... Now Lillee starts his run up from about 60 meters from umpire Harry "Dickie Bird" .... this iconic Australian complete with Mexican moustache menacing facial expresion, Shirt tales flapppin in the breeze past Harold "Dickie" Bird and bowls... a perfect outssswinnger, Boycott gropessssss for that one... and as the Cheshire Flyer departs from Birmingham station ... so too does Boycott Caught Marsh, Bowled Lillee 2! Go Dees PF READ ROY BOY'S REPORT HERE
  6. But at the end of the day players have to earn games,nothing Melksham has done so far this year even comes close, not training form ,plus he is coming back from injury. We will set a dangerous precedent and if Sparrow is dropped given his huge games in the bank and upside I will not be happy ,nor should he! Same goes for anyone else in a 3 zip winning team
  7. Melksham is coming back from injury, is underdone and has not played at all this season, plus was poor last season . HOW he can be considered is fantasyland stuff.Sparrow is hard at it fierce and has done that has been asked No Brainer he stays
  8. If this is so it is an absolute disgrace!! Period. Melksham offers zero pressure, has no form, an outs a player who has done EVERYTHING RIGHT!! I will be thoroughly peeesrd of if this occurs> FFS Goody make him earn it!!?
  9. If Melksham plays it is a deesgrace!! no form! all players at present doing their part NO CHANGE and JONES STAYS IMO
  10. Lets face it it is Nev and Chunkies last year and u only gotta look at Caleb Daniels to see what could possibly occur. Caleb Daniels, now there is a thought!
  11. From my perspective each has a "Bag of Tricks" Bowey is hard at it and QUICK and at some piont might oust Spargo, however Spargo is doing all he should so put that away for the time being. Laurie has polish and great football smarts and is sure to feature at some stage. Rosman to me will be "The Enigma" can take strong grabs, kicks freak goals and is elusive. I would think the club would be very happy with these three. Cant wait to see them in Praccy game Vs Willi on Sat
  12. I wonder if...... Goody might be tempted to tag Goothrey with Clarry!?? Just a Thought! I reckon Clarry will spend more time forward a la Dusty this week!
  13. "Do you know the difference between involvement and commitment? Think of ham and eggs. The chicken is involved but the pig is committed!" The Observer 1982 "There is just one thing I want to commend you on and thats the way most of you are going in very hard to get the ball.BUT, he added with an ominous tone in his voice , there are a few of you that are hanging back from intense contact and unless these players show more guts , I won't put you in against Hawthorn" Ron Barassi during intraclub match page 40 "The Coach" Ibid And so it was forseen that in any given game at any given time unless you go hard even in a match simulation you won't get picked. So today as I ventuered out to CASEY FIELDS, The intraclub hitout was just that... Intense, hard, no beg pardons and on display around 35 or so players all striving to get noticed to show something, anything that might propel them in with a shot of the game Vs Geelong on Sunday. Skills , Drills and Manuevers, More or less same drills as desribed in previous posts with warmups, drills specifically attuned to busrting out from defence running in pack formation , canny use of the ground and with skills by hand and foot certainly noticeable. Of more specificity, protecting the ball carrier, creating options, two way running were featured. I certainly was a little concerned when I saw that match simulation featuring Blue probables vs Pink possibles ensued given that this is cause for injury concern , but given Ron Barasi's quote as above if its good enough for Ron then its gotta be good enough for Goody and co. The Match Ups Interestingly a Pink Forward line of Ben Brown (who moved well) Weeds, Majak and Mitch Brown is going to cause the opposition of May, Tomlinson and Lever some Alice Cooper moments ( Welcome to my Nightmare) but the Blues led by Clayton Oliver, Jack Viney, Angus B and Nibbler provided first use to McDonald, Kossie (who again put on a clinic) and Fritta. Others of note were Langdon, Rossman was involved, Chunky, Tracc, and Rivers. Gee Sparrow is as hard as a Cats head and Jordon is certainly improving outa site! Bowey and Laurie also did some useful things. Other than that at conclusion of match simulation players practiced goal kicking into a fierce North Wind but many shots were executed well. In particular Majak Daw hardly missed from a variety of angles. Harmsy ran laps but had no tape or any strapping on his injured Wrist and showed no discomfort. I would almost suggest that the team may go in unchanged from last week. I just cannot see how the possibility of Melksham can squeeze in in place of??? Maybe Hibbo might get a gig but again this current team is gelling well. One other thing gee this team looks fit, I reckon Geelong will find it hard to run out the game given how fit we are at present. Kudos to Darren Burgess! Cheers PF
  14. Is it coincidence or does Goody seem to have more of a handle on it now that Chocco and Useeeebee are more involved?? Call me Devils advocate but Chocco might have been thinking, I'll support Goody to the Hilt and if things dont go well possibly they might ahhh Look at me as Senior Coach, On the other hand, he also might have thought, Sheeeeeit Noone wanted me, the Dees came calling, how good would it be to be an integral part of something Speeecccial!! Very very special!?? Yze, Similar, No conspiracy theories, but Goody does seem more at ease! Of course this will be tested on Sunday! It appears he has embraced both Choco and Yze and after all why wouldn't you! Premiership Coach and Master Apprentice to Clarko!! At the end of the day if it means we finally get it all mostly together and we continue to win games then the future will look after itself, Indelibly! and Emphatically! Also and not neglecting, we have some Class coming back in Ben Brown and Weeds, solid backup from Majak , ( who could still play a part), and a raft of blokes who were gifted games last year who might be stiffer than a Subteranean Codpiece in an Ice Age trying to get a Gig!! GO DEES!
  15. Gee interesting Observations, The smugness may well be to, in fact bellies the fact that he is hurting and doesn't want to show weakness! I can also relate to this in my poor Footy and Cricket career that if hit or down ... Always smile so that no matter how hard the hurt, turn the other cheek! But Friggen Vow to get even!! I reckon that may well be Clarries Modus Operendi! Dont be misled I reckon this guy is as tough as they come!!
  16. Excellent points well made! Is it called "Maturity"??
  17. Dare I say it ........ The first of quite a few "Season Defining" Games coming up this week. Geez I hope we seize the day! Went down to Casey twice today to check out training but No one there!! However, I will bring a comprehensive P.F report of the Casey/ Williamstown praccy Saturday. If anyone notices me, Please say Gday! Cheers PF
  18. In Fact if it wasn't for Choco and Usebee we might be 1 and 2 !!
  19. What is the difference between a "Gun" and a "Superstar"??
  20. Clayton Oliver 100 or so possesions in 3 games at this rate will chalk up 700 possessions for the year. What is the record?? A.A Easy!!
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