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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. I cant find Picket Fence🤯 but luckily my Surname is there🤩
  2. Re Viney, he has been sparkling in his pre season work that I have seen, plus he is playing his role to the structures which benefit Goody's strategies and plans. Also re tonight NBI ( No Bloody Injuries)
  3. Oscar Mac can swing into attack and kick a Bag!🤩
  4. Exactly ! Why risk anyone when we have a wealth of ready players just Itching for a chance! I love the fact that Jayden Hunt is back in the side🤩
  5. As iterated in my Captains Run report May did not complete training and was running laps . Salem completed most training. Great to see Jayden Hunt back🤩
  6. I cannot confirm Hibbo, I didn't notice him out there! Also no sign of Harry Petty
  7. And it came to pass that a great pestilence descended on the ancient city of Melbourne, and none of its inhabitants were untouched. And some were heard to cry out in strange tongues. And every 7 days the young men of the city would meet in combat. And each Thursday 3 wise men would sit in judgement and the wise men were John, Robert and Loui And their judgement was delivered, In LEAGUE TEAMS APPLAUSE. Bob Davis, "Hello everyone welcome to league teams, Jack, Your looking particularly well, Loui when didn't you look well"!? Loui, "When I got home late after a card game at Jack's, Edna gave me a serve that is still ringing in my ears". Jack Dyer, "Well Lou your ears are big enough looks like you've gone ten rounds with Maha, MAAARHU, MARHAMUD OH BUGGER IT I'll just call him Cassius Clay"! Bob, (Laughing like a Hyena), "Ok you two that'll do, we got some serious business to attend to attend to tonight" Lou, "That's right, I gotta tell ya, that word has reached us about a sensational football team that has turned the corner, who are playing Ringer Ding Ding Footy and its not the team that we know"! Jack, "Give us a Hint, it aint the Demons is it"?? Bob, Well you know Loui, I've been saying it for a long time now, This Max Gawn led team is playing very accomplished Football". "Hey Jack can you spell accomplished"? Jack, "Accomplished?? They never taught us that at Richmond tech, But I'll say this that Simon Goodwin has taken a team of very good , ordinary footballers and turned them into superstars"! Bob, "Well just before we get onto the team Loui has got a recipe for us , What is it tonight Lou"? Lou, "Edna's great friend put me onto this its called Quiche" Jack, "Quiche??? Sounds like Egg and Bacon Pie to me" Lou, "The only pie like Jack is a Fourntwenty"! Jack, "Oi" Ive heard from the Demonland correspondent Picket Fence who has filled this report before tommorrow nights game and here it is Jack better put your reading glasses on! Stuck in the Middle with You Stealers Wheel Well I don't know why I came here tonight. I've got the feeling that something ain't right. I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair, And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs. Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right! Here I am stuck in the middle with you. Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you, And I'm wondering what it is I should do. It's so hard to keep this smile from my face. Losing control and running all over the place. DOGGIES to the left of me! CARLTANKERS to the right! Here I am stuck in the middle with you. When you started off with nothing And you're proud that your a self-made man. Ooooo-ooo-oooh And your friends they all come crawling, Slap you on the back and say Please . . . Please . . . Trying to make some sense of it all But I see it makes no sense at all. Is it cool to go to sleep on the floor? I don't think that I can take anymore. Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right! Here I am stuck in the middle with you. When you started off with nothing And you're proud that your a self-made man. Ooooo-ooo-oooh And your friends they all come crawling, Slap you on the back and say Please . . . Please . . . Well I don't know why I came here tonight. I've got the feeling that something ain't right. I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair, And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs. Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right! Her I am stuck in the middle with you. Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you . . . Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you . . . Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you . . . Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you . . ALELUIA, FINALLY some great music was being played during this mornings Captains Run before the game vs Carltank tomorrow night, Stuck in the middle was top of the list , but closely followed by Hotel California, Boys of Summer, Living on a prayer, and other "Classic' Rock tunes. NO SHOWS, INJURIES Steven May did some but not all drills and ran some fast laps but didn't look in discomfort or injured. From last Week Weeds was a no show which means he probably would not play tomorrow night. SKILLS , DRILLS AND MANOUVERS. Light session focusing on finesse and precision was the order of this sparkling training session today. probably went for about 1.5 hours DRILL 1 3/4 Ground ball movement emphasizing running to space creating the loose man and overlaps, this session was non contact based on what I saw which would be normal for a day before session I would imagine. Only token gesture harassments from coaches was seen DRILL 2 Goalkicking from every conceivable position Gawd there were some "Freakish" goals kicked which were made to look like "Bread and Butter" hopefully we can still kick the ones which are "Bread and Butter"! DRILL 3 A Short handball Drill B Centre Clearance work with midfield rotations C Short kicks to presented player options OBSERVATIONS PLAYER PERSONEL Jack Viney, Fritta,Jake Lever are all FIT and should play! Clarry NO issues with his dislocated finger of last week, Interesting that Oscar Baker and Jayden Hunt all trained indicating that they may form part of an extended bench, no other out of left field players were seen. It appears that Kossy might play more midfield minutes given he was doing some of the Mid field rotations Training. FINAL THOUGHTS Given the intensity of training over the last weeks I cannot see Carltank getting anywhere near us tomorrow. It seems that Goody will go with a "Full Strength" team which prepares us magnificently for the fist Game vs Dishlickers. I like the fact that, to get a game you must keep up standards and maintain an intensity which rewards with game time, a innate knowledge that if you play to the game plan expected that you will be rewarded handsomely and emphatically by winning games, being part of something greater than self and understanding that consistency buys greatness! PF
  8. I firmly believe that he is honest as the day is long, loyal to the nth degree and I think he will improve his media presence with confidence. He is also humble and unassuming, and this last comment is from someone who claims to know him quite well. He is also a very driven person who sets high standards of personal integrity. I would love to meet him one day! He is definitely my favorite player!
  9. Gary Rohan was in our best players in the Geelong final.
  10. If he is fit he plays, perhaps at Jordans expense.
  11. Adam Who??? Plays non accountable football. Serious question who would he replace in our All star lineup??
  12. Look Tracc is a superstar but IMO Clarry is the best player in the league! May, Lever,Salem are all far too low. Where the bloody hell is Langdon?? BEST wingman by far in the AFL and clearly should be in top 50! FRITTA also criminally underated!
  13. Hodgy was genuinely excited about our G.F win last year!
  14. Daisy is very nearly the best in the business! She could commentate on a Buzzcut and be at her eloquent best!
  15. Yeah, I know, but after putting it down, I wanna get it out quick so rarely spell check. Also I am a two finger keyboard self taught personthat hits the caps lo often then forgets to change back. Apologies I need a sub editor!!
  16. FORGOT to Mention C.P 5 Today, but he was "brilliant, influential, architectural and manifestly incorporate of everything a prospective captain should be!
  17. You can Bank on Frank Banner making an appearance, maybe even Jack Sellars from Number 96, maybe even Sir Jack Archer and co from The Box, Sgt Shultz and co from Hogans Heroes is definately under consideration🤩
  18. Good Morning Mr.Phelps, The Team you are looking at on the Screen is known as the Melbourne Football Club. This team went 57 years without winning the penultimate prize in the Australian Football League that being a Premiership! (Think Superbowl but a thousand times better and more breathtaking with complex plays and Superfit Athletes) This Team has built slowly but surely over the past 5 years under a Person called Paul Roos and now Coached by a Guy that goes by the name of Simon "Goody" Goodwin ... Your Mission Jim should you decide to accept it to find out all you can from todays Practice match and report back to I.M with reports, an international attaché by the name of Picket Fence will be your main ally and you can use every element of your specialist forces to assist in surveillance of today’s game. As usual if any of your force are caught the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self destruct in 5 seconds … Good luck Jim MATCH REPORT P.F “Can't Stop The Music" Everyone you meet, the children in the street Are swayin' to the rhythm, there's somethin' movin' in them. There's no place to hide, so, why even try? Can't you hear it coming your way, it's here to stay. Music in our walk, music when we talk. It's really something magic, to lose it would be tragic. Can't you feel the sound movin' through the ground? Music makes the world go around. You can't stop the music, nobody can stop the music. Take the cold from snow, tell the trees, don't grow, Tell the wind don't blow, 'cause it's easier. No, you can't stop the music, nobody can stop the music. Take the spark from love, make the rain fall up 'cause that's easier to do. Lovely day at Casey Fields today for what turned out to be an excellent day for Footy, Gentle breeze was blowing towards the City End but that in no way reflected the inability to kick goals at the southern end. A crowd of about 2, 000 turned out and the cacophony of the same old same old music pregame dulled the senses into something like an acquiesced state of perennial insensibility thus rendering conversations with others as Difficult. Those who were there now know what I mean about the music interludes at training. No Slitheras were seen, However, a Giant Blue Tongue lizard was seen flicking helpless flys and other crawlies into a cavernous blue abyss never to be seen again. A bit like the hapless Shinboners who came up against a Red Hot DEES outfit hellbent on inflicting more pain to this struggling outfit. Not that the effort was not there but alas too much was left to too few on the Boys in Blue and White. Anyway that''s their problem MATCH VIEWS, PLAYERS REVIEWS AND POST MORTEM COMMENTS Clearly from the start Norf had a plans to curtail the ruck dominance of Max and the Midfield brilliance of Clarry and Tracc. Tagging Clayton Oliver is the hardest job in footy and the negating tactics might work occasionally but when he gets the after burners on and has single minded obsession for the leather its like that Judas Priest song "Hellbent for leather" Nothing stands in his way. Norf were clearly going to have a dip and they did but skill, class, fitness and just too many options curtailed their brave efforts. CLAYTON OLIVER Started a little rustily and was hobbling for while after an incident but then, WHOOSH became the Clarry we know so well. Exhilarating tour de force runs, precise handballs, very clean disposal and the Goal of the Day where he got contested ball in the middle, dished of ran forward, got it back and kicked a similar goal to his blistering goal in the 2021 GF. Dislocated a finger but came back bigger and better than ever. This guy is a freak!! MAX GAWN Was not that far behind Clayton and his presence, his ground running, his ability to get to contest after contest and take mark after mark was just breathtaking. A great couple of goals, just added Icing to an already rich cake! A real Captain’s Game. Just a Champion BBB Embarrassed Norf today Kicked 5 Goals and was a focal point in attack. He has sticky fingers and just loves clunking marks and uses his footy smarts to work up and down the ground. Could kick 80- 100 Goals this year. JAMES HARMES Has really improved his output and is now repaying the coaching fraternity with a sett of running, ablity to create space and canny ball use. Great game today ED LANGDON Just runs up and down the ground all day gathering possession after possession and spoon-feeds his forwards, a great ball user , no one can keep up with him and he was a great catalyst to many a launch into attack. JOEL SMITH Our most improved player, he seems to now have the confidence and footy nous to know when to spoil and when to mark. Was dynamite out of the back half and this is the sign that maybe after a few stops and starts this could be his year. ADAM TOMLINSON Ditto run out of defence and into attack, never seems flustered and nearly always creates opportunities with canny use of the ball and then running forward to create an overlap option. Great to see him so confident and ready to fire. ANB Another whose improved form has coincided with his confidence and devotion to his training regime and dedication to improving his game, his run , carry, unselfish team orientations make him one of the first picked every week. played very well today. CHRISTIAN SALEM Well I for one will be astounded if he isn't All Australian this year. He just ooozes class in all that he does whether it be gaining ground ball gets, Doubling back for intercept marks, Clever precise disposals, he has just got it all. Destroyed his opponent today T MAC Hard to match up on now that he covers a lot of ground, is physically imposing and clunks some great marks AND clears the way for Fritta (who didn't play today) and BBB was instrumental today doing just that! Others to do well were GENERAL MAY down back TOM SPARROW who is also brutal in his attack on the ball and the ball oppo carrier, CHANDLER kicked 2 Opportunistic goals but not much else, and I thought JAMES JORDAN was ok without being prolific. DOGGA was good in the ruck and got his hands on the ball but missed a couple of marks. CHARLIE SPARGO Kicked a lovely goal and was creative and used the ball really well. I also thought KOSSY was elusive and damaging setting up many opportunities with his lightning speed and footy smarts. FINAL COMMENTS. The Dees easily defeated a somewhat injury depleted Norf outfit, but Norf still had plenty of experience in their team and were just Obliterated. Weeds, Toby Bedford, and I think Hunt got runs late but did not have time to establish themselves. The most telling thing from my perspective were 2 main pionts. 1 Viney, Lever, and Fritta and possibly Dunstan will come in for … ??? 2 As I have iterated you train a you play and the drills I have seen are replicated in match conditions and this makes for a team that KNOWS how to play, what to play, and how each person in the team has a role to play and they play it beautifully. This is what makes successful teams even more successful and end up in creation of DYNASTIES! A lot to like today. Your Casey Correspondent P.F
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