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Stiff Arm

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Everything posted by Stiff Arm

  1. Hannan doing well this quarter. Pleased for him
  2. From a purely selfish point of view, today is not such a bad day. Actually, its pretty good. Not for the State obviously, but please grant me this small win. This morning my family and I were released from 14 day home quarantine due to tier 1 exposure, despite us adults being full vaxxed. Possibly the toughest mental health two weeks in my life. 5 km radius, night curfew and 2 hrs exercise seems like luxooory now. First outing today I found myself being really nervous around others and angry with those not wearing masks properly. Don't want to be like this. Normally I roll with the punches pretty well. Most of all I'm [censored]-off with the slow vax implementation nation wide (thanks ScoMo) and anyone not actively trying to get vaxxed asap. As they say, it will become a pandemic of the unvaccinated Thank god for the football and the Dees form this year! Onwards and upwards!
  3. Stay well mate. Focus on the Dees success, if you can. Imagine how good we will feel when Max holds up the cup!
  4. From today's Vic presser: "Victorian health authorities say 41 of the state’s 57 new local coronavirus cases were detected as a result of day-13 quarantine tests."
  5. Today is day 14 since lockdown was announced. There's a bunch of schools where every kid and their families began 14 days at home that day due to being tier 1 exposure sites. Other large tier 1 sites were announced around that time too. Many 1000's of people. Yesterday, those who have been in 14 day home quarantine from that day (like me) had our compulsory day 13 covid tests. It's possible that numerous asymptomatic people isolating at home have tested pos on day 13. Delta works in mysterious ways. My guess is that as more fully vaxxed people catch covid but display no symptoms, we might find the 'known links' that tracers go on about become sketchier and harder to find. But I'm no medico
  6. Eddie to talk about this incident on FC on ch 9 in a couple of mins Edit. Just Ed with his arms in the air wondering why little has been done about it. Lyon says its 1 or 2 weeks, but didn't know if there was more to the reason for Daw's reaction
  7. If we are to be training on Goshes in the years ahead, surely they would be looking at car par F rather than car park E? Only makes sense if the Pies are looking to move away from olympic park oval in the next decade???
  8. Any injuries? Saw Kozzie had some strapping on thigh at one stage
  9. Somebody please sign Dogga up for a further 5 years. This kids goanna have a stack of AAs by the end of that!
  10. Time to take off Max, Tracc, Oliver and Langers All big oart of finals
  11. Butts keeping close check on Brown's movements
  12. For a guy who apparently can't play forward, Dogga has done ok of late!
  13. Dogga in a rich vein of form for a 19 year old! Great tackle and goal
  14. Great pass to Clarry. Also great positioning for his own goal
  15. Actually no, you are wrong. They are accompanying a Dept Health employee. Of course I'm not suggesting they wear shirts and thongs. You are being your usual obtuse and condescending self to suggest so. Army personnel wearing full camo gear walking residential streets is not a great message in a suburb with many migrant families from war-torn countries. That might be hard to understand from where you are, but not here. Keep going by yourself if you must, I'm out.
  16. IMO the AFL board wants North or Saints to move to Tassie. Of course they both will say "no way, no thanks!" but if push comes to shove, one of them may have no choice. The AFL can pull their licence. North have no cash or supporters, Saints have massive debts. I think it will happen in stages. Eases the pain for the Vic club and supporters, allows Tassie to gradually plan their progress forward. For example, North still based at Arden St, but play 8-10 games in Tassie for a couple of years. Then a blue map of Tas is put on the front of jumper ('Tas govt sponsorship') surrounded by the blue/white stripes. Training gradually moves to Tas, as do players, coaches and admin. Eventually after 5-6 years, the NFC board agrees the club is to be named the Tasmania Kangaroos.
  17. Maybe he already has, Redleg Just saying...
  18. Murphy's grandfather (Leo) played over 100 games for the Hawks as well. I'm not so sure of anything Damo, but doubt Green's choice would be influenced much by who his Pop played for. We shall see.
  19. Perspective is important. We've been relatively injury free this year, Thomo being the biggest loss. This hasn't always been the case in recent seasons. If we lost a few players before finals, Smith would certainly get a game or 2 He's not a world beater, but he offers excellent depth in a variety of positions. The Club has generally been good at drafting, recruiting and development since Goodwin took over. I trust their judgement.
  20. They're too busy knocking on residential front doors (like mine) to make sure we are home during 14 days iso. A necessary job, but not for army personnel in camo uniforms, particularly as many in my hood are migrants from war-torn countries. At least drop the silly camo clothes in a suburban street. But I digress... IMO would be better placed at airports supporting permit checks, or at state border checkpoints All this shows is that we are still a bunch of self interested colonies that do our own disjointed thing due to a massive vacuum of leadership by the Fed Govt
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