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Stiff Arm

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Everything posted by Stiff Arm

  1. Obviously they train over the summer break, each player has an extensive list of training targets they must complete
  2. Upload it on YouTube and then put link on here
  3. Except Spargo has been a pretty good forward score assist over the last two years and is our best kick inside 50... Some people are never pleased
  4. Yeah, Goody... what would he know. Bloke neva achieved anything. What a massive mistake. Ruined JVRs career FMD
  5. So shall we petition for his resignation because he has some wealth? Perhaps a toothless Collingwood supporter could take the roll...
  6. Happy Festivus to all! https://footyology.com.au/martin-flanagan-a-christmas-tale/
  7. Very multicultural of you!
  8. Perhaps he put in a fair bit of $ towards a sizable renovation/extension, and then there's the increase in price of real estate in general over 25 years. But I guess that doesn't fit your whinging proletariat narrative, does it... I'm not a class driven person, but tall poppy syndrome mentality is tiresome to say the least
  9. I don't get the ubiquitous use of flares by the dumb [censored] in the crowd. Even at Fed Square where the crowd was watching on a screen! I don't get players blatently staging for frees (yes, Aussie Rules has an element of that too, but its minimal) I don't get the intimidating push and shove with ref's by players. Its a blight on the game. We got on top of it quickly this last season, even at junior level. Still happens, but less and less I don't get that it often costs well over a thousand dollars for registration and club fees to let your kid play junior soccer (cf about $300 for AFL) I don't get that Australia are currently punching well above our weight re World Cup, but the skill level at A league games often makes me cringe Soccer has an amazing participation rate for kids under 10. That they can't convert this into adult level is perhaps a fortunate bonus for the AFL. Local events this last week mentioned in the OP make me less interested in the game
  10. Has the Brisbane captain finished her speech yet?
  11. A trade up for George would be handy. We can wait for 12 mths for his knee to heal. Amazing potential Question: is it possible for us to trade up, select George knowing he'll be put on long term injury list, keep 37 and use that pick? Would have us with one too many on the list, however, George goes on LTIL
  12. Geez, 5 mins of speeches by Brisbane players before a single Melbourne player gets near the stage. Think the AFL and Ch 7 forgot who actually won
  13. I guess both have a high water content an ripen around the same time of year... You might be onto something
  14. He looks like an annoying little p rick. I 100% dislike Charlie Clarke already Let's get him!
  15. Interesting what might happen if there were two players we liked available after selection 11 or 12. Would we deal then on the night for two picks in the later teens if we thought they might be available around 18 or 19? I love that we've kept our cards close, most draft watchers have no idea what we will do
  16. Your post is conjecture in entirety. Runs second to the title of this thread in the sweeping statement stakes You cannot compare where we were when Watts was drafted with where we are now. Might as well compare zucchinis with watermelons. How's that for a sweeping statement!
  17. I believe they got you and Bitter but optimistic mixed up at customs. Easy mistake
  18. Do you think the standard of footy in the clips on his thread do justice to showing his ability for us to take him at 37? Its easy to get sucked into a flashy prospect playing in a lower standard Can you show a table of his stats? HST, I have not seen him live or watched more than his highlights, but I consider him a late pick or rookie. I trust Lamb and Taylor to be all over it and make the right call based upon best available at 37, regardless of whose NGA he is tied to
  19. The difference between the life where he comes from and a chilly winter in a city of 5 million could not be more stark. Its tough for anyone to deal with The standard of footy in all of these clips is pedestrian at best. It is not a true reflection of his ability, be it good or otherwise He won't be used for our 13 or 37. IMO he's a late pick or rookie, in which case Essendon will be in the best position to judge due to him being tied to their academy. Sorry @Supreme_Demon, but he's a pass
  20. To not draft from interstate any more is to wave the white flag and say we don't back our system, player welfare, development or future success. We might as well pack up shop. Seriously. This is amongst the silliest things I've ever heard suggested
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