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Everything posted by ucanchoose

  1. Lol. . When are the umpires going to get offered a one week suspension?
  2. Watts was running to the bench and dunn tried to kick it to him
  3. Got the free tickets ready to go. The only reason to go to Etihad. Just need to put up with the wife's shopping first!
  4. Wayne Carey once made a trip to our school in Tasmania. Didn't stop signing autographs until every last person had one. A top bloke
  5. Interesting hand jesture and lip reading from Scott in the box
  6. One day Brad Scott's head will explode in the box
  7. Your like my father. Never ever could find something good to say about anything. Always managed to find something condescending to say. It's monotonous and boring I wish they would bring back the function that allowed people to block posts of others from view. You add nothing, absolutely nothing and I visit this site far less that I used to because its so hard to read.. Bring back the filter, because this place is becoming unreadable.
  8. I let my wife watch the voice kids on nine!
  9. I know that but he's such a self entitled pos
  10. He's entitled to be filthy???? Have a cry
  11. If Dawes cops a suspension. I give up. I seriously will give up
  12. Good thing I didn't go. I surely would have punched someone in the face by now
  13. I'm sick of umpires that used to play the game.
  14. You don't have to be fast to play on Harvey. You just need to be switched on 100% of the time
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