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Everything posted by ucanchoose

  1. Exactly what I said Friday and got shot down
  2. There are so few people it sounds like an indoor swimming pool
  3. Oh I just joined the broadcast half way through the second and all she talks about is collingwood
  4. This chick commentator must be a collingwood supporter
  5. Shopper dockets are tough to beat
  6. Correct. Wide angle they look the same
  7. We are forced to change against both of these teams
  8. Good to see the afl completely forget about the clash jumper rule for this match
  9. We flat out sucked, that's what we did
  10. I'd love to see evidence
  11. Turner plays imo. The rest I was wrong about apparently
  12. Good to have 2 albury residents in the team Although debutants on qb give me the heeby jeebies
  13. Every year we are in the finals hunt we are in the top half for attendance.
  14. There is no way he has an infection, that's total bs. And even if he did it wouldn't need surgery
  15. Wishb they would tell us the truth, not spin it
  16. I rest my case your honour
  17. Bloody cold up here during the winter
  18. That is first class
  19. 30 year old "leaders" should know better mate
  20. What's the problem? Guy has form
  21. There are better words that sums it up REPEAT OFFENDER
  22. Every player leaves their club. Some learn new things elsewhere and come back. I think it's a great decision to leave
  23. How many non officiating umpire free kicks?
  24. Exactly the same as last night, tight contest
  25. Every pair of Collingwood shorts don't fit. Haven't since they signed with nike
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