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Everything posted by Jjrogan

  1. Bingo. Geelong's game plan is soft. In Port's case, its some of their players.
  2. I love footy. We all presume to be rational observers and science grounded people but then totally ignore the fact there is absolutely no significant statistical correlation over HUNDREDS of years and THOUSANDS of games of winning more free kicks (or differential) and ladder performance. Hawks and Sydney were severally negative during their premiership years. Same for Richmond recently. Are they a second to the ball club? What does that even mean. Does someone collect that evidence? I definitely do think some players milk them incessantly, just like some players give them away like candy (Buddy). That might tip the skew in certain periods or eras. But overall, as a team some years you're the bug, some years you're the windshield. Ps. Except if you're eagles playing at home. You're always the windshield.
  3. Lol. One player shows a bad look and the afl supporter base explodes in hypocrisy. Every weekend thousands of people hurl abuse over the fence and over their computers. And its play on.
  4. The irony of this on a fan forum where threads and match day pages are devoted to bullying and abusing umpires is not lost. Imo, everyone is missing the bigger picture here. Slamming Toby Greene, sure whatever, but totally ignoring the bigger question that afl supporters and culture is to abuse and disrespect umpires generally. Especially behind keyboards. (Not in direct reference to this post WCW, you're always civil).
  5. You can still be sorry for something you didnt mean to do. I wish he had just put his hands up immediately after the contact and apologised to him right then and there. That would have been the right thing to do. He might have still got a couple of weeks, but this whole click bait circus might have been avoided.
  6. Non-consensus but gws win without Greene anyway. The Cats have kicked 7 goals in 6 quarters. They are a dysfunctional unit right now with ball in hand, so risk averse. Watch the tension level on their faces rise if they are down a few goals early. Straight sets!
  7. He is absolutely awful. His decision making, free kicks against and disposal were horrendus on sat nite. Why would you want him suspended. Prefer him in the starting 22 for the Lions every week.
  8. The biggest issue i have with this is its not even a slow news week! A football coach yelled. Media racking up those clicks!
  9. + D) Making a statement to the rest of the competition.
  10. Relative to other starting midfielders in the afl, he doesn't win his own ball, he doesn't accumulate a truck ton of possession, he doesn't hit the score board or have elite disposal efficiency. He's not a great mark. He's a poor man Josh Kelly, who fwiw was tearing it up in his fourth year. Playing full minutes, he went three consecutive games this year without laying a tackle. Can u imagine the match day threads. Lol. Massive overrating going on here.
  11. Speaking of which, at this point we need someone to set the last 30 seconds and kick to Titanic theme.
  12. Is Cerra a wingman? He's had 1 game in his career over 30 possession. He's not particularly damaging with the ball, or even a contested ball beast. Essentially his game is being fit, being young, run around getting some uncontested ball. He doesnt tackle. Brayshaw is the guy in that team that broke out this year. Carlton can have him, he's not making their team that much better. Ill probably eat my words but total overs in every respect.
  13. Tom Mitchell is the epitome of an ineffective player. He leads the competition in disposals per game. He is ranked 92nd for score involvements per game. 92nd! If you adjusted score involvements for disposals he would be off the charts and not in a good way. One in every 6-7 times he touches it does hawthorn even score. But apparently circle work handballing and kicking is a skill to be recognized by All Australia selectors. Give me a break.
  14. Watching the replay, Gary Rohan had some last quarter. Free kick push in the back to May on the wing when Geelong were out at the back, free kick dragging May down in the pack when Danger was out the back into 50 and finally just misjudging it enough in front of Gawn to allow MFC to have their first ever after the siren win.
  15. Exactly. Clearly the players have more faith in themselves than some childish, throw toys out of cot supporters. But you know what, they'll be back again next week. Embarrassing performance indeed.
  16. I must be missing something. There's numerous studies of a home ground advantage (and a huge one done last year for soccer confirming the advantage even without crowds during covid) due to ground familiarity and travel fatigue. Having earned the right to exercise this option, demon fans are ok for just throwing it away for 10k mostly neutral fans who dont really care about the result ?!?! I thought the goal was to win a premiership and playing at the mcg, particularly against an interstate opponent, gives us more chance. That's just a fact of sport. Pert is 100 percent right to dig his heels in.
  17. Agree. Btw, I think we have been the lowest users of the sub interchange all year but if we are not using and abusing this loophole during the finals series, we are kdding ourselves. If the doggies win, and we are not activating the sub at some stage in the third quarter, id be disappointed.
  18. Thanks for the video post. One thing noticeable that he does in almost every instance is execute to the advantage of the other player, into space or away from the contest. Hard to teach to do that instinctively. (Dusty is amazing at it) Even his deep entry into fifty, he recognized it was a one on one with the demons player having the back position so a hard deep ball was the best option. Didnt quite come off but the intent was there. His kick is more penetrating than Salem's too so i'd prefer him as high up the ground as possible. Ben Brown is going to have a field day with Bowey kicking it to his advantage.
  19. Agree on all three. For all the talk how finals are different and need guys in the guts. In present day, teams are usually pretty complete football teams and wouldn't be there if they didnt have enough 'hardness'. Its really about finishing 50/50 opportunities and efficiency. Dusty has shown that three times. And Sheed. Imo i doubt Melksham is the reason we lose a final but he may well be the reason we win it.
  20. And this takes the gold for the most stupid statement today. Comparing, in any regard, a few dodgy free kicks to the systemic bigotry and racism of the nazis. Perspective is a thing.
  21. Im not saying harmes viney or jj are the answers. But when gus was in the centre we were free flowing, attacking and dominant. Right up until it we werent and shown up as frauds. We really a classy mid in this draft period. Ps. I really like the idea of Spargo through the middle. Him and viney switch up roles a little more next year perhaps. His touches through the middle would be great for a forward to lead to.
  22. Exactly right. He is averaging 5 + intercepts a game, which by a quick glance is one of the highest by a non defender in the league. He's incredibly important in our game plan to slow up the opposition rebounds reading the play so well, cutting off passes and defensive spread. Our system really matters to Goodwin and he's been one of the key aspects of success of our system this year. Id be a little surprised if Goodwin suddenly went with this route now when it doesn't appear the system is broken.
  23. Dont feel too bad. He has 4 years left on his contract for us to enjoy. Imagine having that money available to go chase a quality ball user.
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