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Everything posted by Grr-owl

  1. MFCSS now settling….
  2. My MFCSS is raging out of control. We’re playing like we do when we lose….
  3. Just checking..... roundabout this time before a big game, we should be on the lookout for any mysterious illnesses among the team: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-05-11/phar-lap-killed-by-arsenic-expert-confirms/431096
  4. Cheers, fellas. Top listening as always... Thanks to Gary for his time. Doing a bang-up job, I reckon.
  5. Well, we want to be kept in the manner to which we're used.....
  6. And let's place a large ceramic urn on the wing boundary. Name it The Flower Pot.
  7. 1 goal, what, 7 in the last?
  8. Suddenly, we bomb it and play slow and the oppo comes back…. When will the learnings kick in?
  9. Harmes to the trade table…..
  10. Yes, made in Wuhan, but the parts came in a frozen container from the US military....
  11. I think I have the solution. Not sure they have room for 52000 members, but surely at least Old Dee can live to see the lifting of the curse....
  12. Well, there's a lot of good technical talk going on here as usual, so what I'm going to say may be a bit ordinary, mundane, prosaic, some adjective that isn't coming to mind.... With a lot of jobs I do, I get to about 3/4 quarters through and it really begins to drag. There's that sense that it's never going to end, even though I know it must. Tough times. I can see the finish line, but I know it's a way off yet, and there's so many problems to fix, I being to ask, was it worth beginning this dumb idea in the first place? But then, there's really no other choice but to grind on. I mean, what am I going to do, give up? Nah, I just have to put the shoulder to the wheel and work the problems out one by one, apply tried and true techniques and a little individual flair and look forward to the day energy returns and I can begin something more satisfying.... And then sudenly I'm at the end. The project comes into focus, I'm tweaking and detailing, and a weight is lifted from my shoulders as I realize the thing is all but finished. There's a sprint then to the finish line and I'm there, dancing just for a moment. Sure, the work is never perfect, but it's done. Next job, please. In other words, I reckon this is where we're at: That dark and heavy place. It's a long season, after all.
  13. Reckon Binman nailed it. This week, if we don't come out and run over the Suns, Demonlanders could be forgiven for beginning to think the strategy might not have been optimal. Suns, WC, Crows.... a non-performance of our high energy style against which of these will prove critical?
  14. Keep hearing talk of Burgo loading up the players prior to finals, and we’re looking fatigued out there. At which round does the loading cease? In other words, when can we expect the boys to get their zip back?
  15. Makes me think we have to recruit very carefully from now on so we can sustain the potential. We seem to have all the pieces in place for now...
  16. Look at all the players who have gone to Hawthorn over the past 5 years..... Takes time to sink in that it's over.
  17. Yeah, maybe being the captain, Max's psychological ups and downs filter through the team. George noted in his report that Spargo played 63% game time despite being in touch with 7 score involvements.....
  18. Interesting, Nev. What’s Max doing wrong, or Dogga right?
  19. Knee the jerk where he’s been jerking…. Let’s see his facial expression then.
  20. Well, for what it's worth, I don't think we'll win the cup this year, though we'll give it a crack and gain experience. Next year is when the program comes to fruition and we jump through the premiership window. Hopefully it'll be open at the time....
  21. Maybe what we need is a player in the forward line whose job it is to kick goals and that’s it….
  22. Pretty sure this is the funniest joke ever on DL.... how do I run a poll?
  23. Superb, fellas. Thanks for that.
  24. Had me stumped until the clue, but then this one opened up for me, only to find Tim beat me to it... damn it!
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