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Half forward flank

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Everything posted by Half forward flank

  1. Having met and spent time with WW1 Veterans in 1978 it irks me when people use the term, would like him in the trenches. No one knows who would be good companions in the trenches. Most of the old veterans were the most unwarlike, least macho blokes you would ever meet. Tough men can go to water and meek guys become heroes. The footy analogy on Anzac day gives me the s.... as well.
  2. You really have a think for arguing the toss with me. Factually the MCG was a shared home ground from 1966. Now, a shared home ground is not a home ground, it is a shared home ground. Even as a 9 year old I could see we had lost our greatest advantage. Kids in the playground. said well how can it be your home ground and richmonds too. By the late sixties I would go to a Richmond home game at the MCG where they were playing us. It never was, nor felt the same again.
  3. A very good point you raise. On the one hand the AFL encourage teams to give up their home grounds and the advantages that gave for performance on field and fans off it. Now we have funds going into only one Victorian teams home facilities. I long since stopped seeing the MCG as our home ground. Actually think it was around the late 60s I worked that out.
  4. I do not see what Community we would be benefiting in that golden mile of ground we are set on for our development. Our would not be a major project, more a boutique enclave. Perhaps there is but I have not heard of any community benefit/facilities we are planning for residents within walking distance.
  5. Well, George. it will need to be a very good plan as I cannot see how a Labor Governement can sell an elite performance CBD based facility for the MFC. All that is in that is supporters/voters of other Clubs seeing it as a waste of money. I will not be convinced until it happens.
  6. My point is it is going to cost us money to build and maintain. Therefore a drain on our current position.
  7. I like Baker or like the idea of him improving. We really need to be able to develop players like him if we are to improve.
  8. That is a very good report, thanks. Good on Goody for changing his ways and good on Harmes for telling it like he sees it. It explains a lot of the, in some ways exaggeted talk that Goody lost the players. He clearly had lot a few. I think it highlights what a few here have said and been critized for that Goody has had a limited life experience background, but if he is learning and listening we have hope. Harmes is too gooda player and investment to not be happy at the Dees.
  9. Two points, the Financials are going to be drained with biilding a home base. My brief reading of our financials is they are a result of selling off the Oakleigh Club and our good investment in the Bentleigh Club. I will take my hat off to Pert if he achieves a home base, however that is what is he has promised to do and been paid to do.
  10. I got to know Ricky years ago, pre sniffing. Played basketball together, he was ok, a bit of a joke. He would walk down the court telliing the ref how much more he knew about the game than him. He walked in the shadow of some genuine stars at Calton. Success with his Top Ten concept went to his head, literally. Some many people started hanging off his every word. Take it all with a grain of salt now.
  11. I feel the coaching group has to have some diverse methods of coaching to get the players to do the non negotiables all the time. Now, that can mean different approaches to different players to achieve the same result. In that area I feel Goodwin is still learning and feeling his way. He knows what the outcomes should be but doesnt know yet how to get individual players to achieve them for team success.
  12. Another example of people commenting and making money in this industry with nothing other than common knowlege to report.
  13. One very new Demon and Significant other would not approve of a Rohan arrival at the Dees.
  14. LN He has an image as a bad finals performer, I thought he tried hard in the GF but not his day,
  15. Good planning re Jones, No point playing him wing/half forward type roles just to have him in the team.
  16. Loved Blair Campbell. We would all try out his new fangled banana kick at the park. Ahead of his time. Does anyone ever have the passion for our players we did as kids, win, lose or draw. We thought they were stars
  17. Fair enough, what do you see as the problems we face .
  18. The converstaion so far, Deanox congratulates pert for his sponsorship work, I point out it went backwards, to which you say it is not perts fault.
  19. Really? Annual report has sponsorship and hospitality down 10 per cent 2018-2019.
  20. Lets just hope things work for us this year.
  21. Pert was a Melbourne based employee for the very short time, less than a year, he was an employee at Channel 9. By that time channel Nine was a National Broadcaster which was run out of Sydney. He was already a Board member at that time at Collingwood.He left collingwood as or in part a result of a true external review. Oversaw the disastorous Buckley Malthouse succession plan. As we both seem to agree, time will tell. I am not suggesting he be replaced, just that the Footy industry has a way of pumping people up until it all ends in tears.
  22. He lasted 5 minutes at Channel Nine and you would need to show me evidence that he held the CEO role there. Over rated role at Austereo, mainly sales. Yes, CEO job includes appointing good people. When I read the posts here there is a lot of debate about whether Goodwin, Richardson and Mahoney are good appointments. Time will tell.
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