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Half forward flank

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Everything posted by Half forward flank

  1. eddie, his wife and collingwood do a lot of work with Indigenous australians.
  2. Happy to discuss. I am no fan of the AFL bubble or Club management. I believe there has been appalling racism in the game for far to long. My comment on him being self obsessed could be as a result of his upbringing and journey of self or it could be a personality trait. Personality traits have nothing to do with your ethnic origins or where your family came from. They are consisetent across ethnicity.
  3. Well said. we will look back when the areas developed and it is an extension of the CBD and shake out heads again, just like the tennis centre. For every one of the old diehards like a few who commented here there would two or three new occupants looking to integrate into the community.
  4. If you do not know what effect a father leaving, abandoning a young kid in a very foreign country has on a person then you need to learn a bit more before criticizing me. I did not say anything about him being outspoken or the fact some racists turned on him..
  5. Very happy he has found happiness. However lets remember his Angolan father abandoned him for 13 years and his stepfather O Brien helped raised him. I just think regardless of nationality this bloke is fairly obsessed with himself and thats how he played footy as well, little defence and all eye catching play.
  6. Pert is just treading water
  7. MFC does not have a Pathways program for volunteers.
  8. That is because you have never done the 5 km drive. Even less from the Spencers St end of town where the middle of the CBD is shifting towards. Maybe google maps is to complicated, so try a melways street directory.
  9. For those who do not understand what an Internship is and who the stakeholders are. MFC advert was not offering an internship, simply a volunteer arrangement with no link to an academic institute and no PATHWAY. If a little research and leg work had been done with an academic institute and a Work placement document executed all would have been in order. ABC Internships Internships at the ABC provide tertiary students who needing to complete a period of practical experience as part of their course requirements. Internships are an unpaid period of work experience arranged between the ABC, the educational institution and the student.
  10. 10 minutes, google maps.
  11. Absolute malicious rubbish. it is intended to get graduates, that is what the ad calls for, graduates. three to four of them to work for free. It has no connection to an academic facility or professional program. It has been condemned and rightly so.
  12. Just not true or accurate. It is for graduates to work for free.
  13. Well worth a look dp. Maybe some supporters and or management dont realise just how close places like Port Melbourne are to the G.
  14. Well, You are not comparing apples for apples. Work experience wherever it is must be part of some course of study or development plan to get a job otherwise it is exploitation of the worst kind. You sit on your side of the fence with your buddies and I will sit on mine. I am no Dan andrews fan but how do you think his Union dominated Govt will view this development while we go to them cap in hand for a grant. Bunch of amateurs.
  15. This is not a work experience program set up by an educational institute or large corporation. It reads as work, no mention of mentoring
  16. Logic, that is walking the MCG precinct tells us there is no opportunity in that area. The rest is a mix of stubborness to tradition which ignores the fact that Carlton, Kangas, Pies, Tigers all have home bases within one km of the CBD. The area we claim as historically belonging to us. It is just an absurd and misleading assumption and I couldnt care less about the Melbourne (Collins St) part of our name or CBD location.
  17. Sorry pate, it is Public land and not a chance in hell.
  18. Which is exactly what you do every time you post. already MFC have backtracked from the ad which tells you everything you need to know. Amateur hour.
  19. Please show us an example of what you speak/
  20. You are all over the place kent. The reason people should look at other Clubs facilities is that those clubs got Government grants based on what their facilities do to help the community as much as for the AFL playing side of things. Our jolimont plan offered nothing the community saw as a benefit and i cannot see anything a mooted development near the tennis centre could offer the community.
  21. I suggest you need to get out and go down to North Melbourne and Carlton to start some research. Then on to the Bulldogs.
  22. Unbelievable, but then again it is MFC. Plays to the elitist tag we so desperately need to be rid off. Blah, blah blah about being the oldest club is of no relevance to a tech student. How this wasnt organised through the channels of a TAFE or Uni is just incompetent. many courses have placement hours and this could and should have been done in the regular and compliant way. No problem with volunteers but surely that is for other roles around the club like lugging the equipment to Goschs paddock and the like. Where iss the Management oversight at the Club. just appalling. I will always support the Demons and the mighty red and blue but the MFC leaves me cold.
  23. Sorry Kent but Collingwood will not be moving to Vic park. it is a wonderful community facility now.
  24. Well let me address it in turn, 1 Where would I look? Well, for one I am not paid to spend my time looking and doing all the groundwork that could have been done anytime by employees of the Club tin he past 50 years. 2 Delicate matter, what a load of ..... This is not a classified military site proposal. Hawthorns new expansive premises was not a delicate matter, nor the others Clubs development such as North Melbourne in a tighly held inner city precinct. You know North Melbournes base is as close to the middle of the CBD as ours.. 3. Do you really think the Club does not make an announcement on their progress to the wider membership because of a few disgruntled, and rightly so people on here. 4. Not sure that makes sense. Ask who?
  25. lets assume it is four or even five years for a contract, regarless of the fact that is not AFL average. Do you agree a player is not the property of the Club when the contract finishes.
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