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Everything posted by BDA

  1. He's down on form like the rest of the team May marshals the defence so his absence has had a direct impact on Rick's form and confidence. May's return will steady the ship Lever was AA last year. He'll come good
  2. I would never have though Levi Casboult and Mabiol Chol would be such good pick-ups for the Suns. Either of them would have been a big help for us this year.
  3. Helps explain the cats terrible post bye record. Lucky they were playing the eagles yesterday or they might have lost again. Does the training have to occur mid year. Given we had north and eagles week 9 and 10 would have been a perfect time to load. Although maybe we were because we were sluggish in both those games.
  4. Must be a very desparate club if Jordan de goey is the one player you would take. Must be north
  5. Your MFCSS is out of control at the moment BBP. We have an excellent recruitment team. JT is best in the business. We don't win a premiership without his genius selections Dogga will most likely re-sign. But even if he doesn't he was still worth it imv. And we'll get plenty in return in any trade
  6. BDA

    22-0 or 21-1

    I reckon 15 wins will be enough to secure Top 4. And I'm not that worried about playing an inter-state final if we have to
  7. I don't think i've ever barracked for the Eagles before. I feel yucky
  8. Eagles having a dip so far. i hope they can keep this up
  9. Todd Marshall is developing into a very good KPF Decent game this
  10. I think dogga will be a great player. I want him to commit to us. But his non-commitment is really starting to become an issue for me. We're the premiers. We can offer everything he needs to succeed and develop at the MFC. We should not need to be convincing him to stay. He is obviously torn and i get it. The pull of home can be very powerful. But i'm not sure having a semi-committed player yearning for home is worth the hassle. We've been down this path with Jesse and we all know how that turned out If he doesn't sign his contract soon then we may have to accept the unpalatable truth and cut our losses. Otherwise it'll the same rumors every trade period. Too destabilising.
  11. A nothing story So what exactly has De Goey done wrong here? He's entitled to a holiday and he's entitled to dance badly. Hasn't broken any club rules. The HUN just trying to create a story out of nothing much What he has shown is a lack of professionalism. But we already knew that
  12. Essendon must have done some loading at half time
  13. Butler butchered that chance royally
  14. St Kilda look sluggish. Must be loading
  15. Did he assault anyone this time?
  16. Tiges wobbling. An interesting final quarter coming up
  17. My money would be on Chunk. He'd handle Howe easily Reckon Viney has been in plenty of scraps with team mates
  18. Max has been very durable considering the amount of punishment he takes every week. He’ll get a good rest now and will hopefully be fighting fit come September. That’s when we really need him Jackson is still too callow and can’t carry a heavy load. A big body needs to do the lions share of ruck work. I thought Daw was on our list for this reason. Not sure the Weid is the answer but would love to be proved wrong Not ideal scenario but you can’t go back to back without enduring some adversity. We had a dream run last year. We’ll have to show plenty of grit this time and the coaches need to re-invent the game plan but its far from a lost cause. I reckon 15 wins will get us top 4. IF we’re healthy come finals we’re still the best team In it. An inter-sate prelim should hold no fears The season is far from over. Just need to grind through this tough patch, get healthy and have a proper crack at September again
  19. Think I’ll take a break from DL under after the bye. Leave it to the wrist slashers until then
  20. Sparrow has been poor for a number of games now. Butchers the ball continually. He needs a spell
  21. They're Collingwood supporters. What do you expect?
  22. He was patchy today but far from our worst
  23. Talk about defeatist. The season is not done We're in horrible form. I've no idea why but we won a premiership with this group of players last year. No reason to think we can;t regroup and push hard into September again
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