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Lord Nev

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Everything posted by Lord Nev

  1. Take out that top 10 pick and it's about right I reckon mate.
  2. I think your account has been hacked.... right...?
  3. Would have thought releasing the story in the same week where there's so many other stories about AFL relating to the Grand Final, the teams and players involved, the entertainment etc actually hinders the impact rather than helps it. Also; the fact the report was tabled about 2 weeks prior to the story says the timing was more related to that rather than any kind of delaying tactic to maximise the timing. That's just not how a 'breaking story' like this works IMO. I think to suggest Russel Jackson's work is there to 'generate clicks' greatly diminishes the many important stories he has told and is a pretty unfair comment.
  4. Plenty has been mentioned on Demonland, and 'officially' so far (going by socials) both TMac and Brown have already had surgery.
  5. It already is. In fact Gil has said he'll likely postpone his retirement so as to not depart while it's ongoing.
  6. The names weren't made public, but clearly they won't be anonymous in the actual investigation. Already covered that. It's not a court at all. It's an independent investigation into an existing report. There have been no charges, no one has been fired, no one has been sued etc. Again, the names aren't public, but that has absolutely no effect on the investigation. They were all given the usual right of reply/comment by Russell Jackson and they chose not to take it. Are you sure? But the "accused" said it was "anti-inflammatories" and surely you have to consider both sides of the story?
  7. Haha yep, but Demonland has a few weeks headstart!
  8. To be fair, the Pies would have had more than that invested in their ruck position this year (plus a bunch invested in a Dogs midfielder) and had a ripper year, playing in a prelim.
  9. Depends on definition of 'some time' I guess. Free agency starts Friday, trade period the Monday after.
  10. Not 100% sure what point you're trying to make here tbh, but from what I understand this is (at least as yet) not a legal court case so there is no need for any kind of pressing charges or "I accuse" to begin the investigation into the report. This also applies to the notion of "innocent until proven guilty". I'm sure the people who prepared the report and those now investigating will have the names of all involved and speak to all of them, there's no need for those names to be public I wouldn't have thought.
  11. Ah ok, I thought there wouldn't be lawyers involved in the first part as that is purely an independent investigation (which IMO is likely to just advise on what the next stage should be), rather than a tribunal/court case etc of some sort. But yeah, you're right, its absolutely a wait and see scenario.
  12. Both the Lions and the Roos have put out fairly strong statements now about the matters, so definitely feels like it will be very much contested. You'd think the AFL panel they've commissioned would be tasked with getting their part of it wrapped up ASAP so the coaches can at least get back to their work, but yeah, a LOT to play out after that and could go on a long long time potentially.
  13. For sure, will be interesting though as this kind of thing could be used on either 'side' you'd think.
  14. Yes, but what I was trying to explain was that a testimony to corroborate an account can be used to cast doubt on the testimony of someone giving a conflicting account.
  15. Yes and no, from my understanding DC. I think its counted as hearsay if you're trying to use those accounts as facts/evidence, but if you're using them to dispute someone else's account then it can be used to cast doubt on their testimony. ie - Victim tells witness on a certain date that specific things were said and done in a meeting. Defendant denies any such meeting ever took place. Witness gives statement that they were told of the meeting at the time. This casts doubt on the defendants testimony. Couldn't be further from my area of expertise though, so don't base any future legal matters you may encounter on it!
  16. This will be my last reply ok, you're just going around in circles with this narrative you've created in your mind. These footy nights are completely normal and happen every year. Given we were reigning premiers I'm sure the players involved talked about winning a flag. I have seen absolutely no evidence of this 'celebrating right through 2022' by the players or coaches that you seem to think happened and given Petracca said they trained the hardest they ever had and we started the year 10-0 I see absolutely no evidence to back up any of your claims, in fact quite the opposite. You're welcome to continue with the old 'drank their bathwater'/'didn't put in the effort'/'weren't hungry enough' type stuff if that's as deep as you want to dig into the season. It's not where it's at for mine though. Cheers.
  17. Yes mate, those kind of nights run for most of the year. Are you aware of "That's Good For Footy" etc? Every year they're on.
  18. Just pointing out that even "senior coaches" have a used by date. Have a great day mate.
  19. Looked like it hit the ground before he kicked it. If so, great call.
  20. Mate, you have absolutely no idea how much of a nightmare it is to do this gig. A temporary sound setup you have to pull out in the middle of a footy ground, a 100k seat stadium, dealing with the massive sound issues you encounter with mixing sound outdoors in a huge space, then you have a great performer but average singer performing with a band he's just met and rehearsed with maybe once. Every year people sook about this without understanding how incredibly difficult it is.
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