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Fanatique Demon

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Posts posted by Fanatique Demon

  1. 1 hour ago, Smokey said:

    I’m in Fiji currently and am considering a weekly sub to WatchAFL to watch it but all the reviews I’ve read bemoan the quality of the stream. Can anyone confirm whether it’s worth it?   

    Assuming you have a decent internet connection, yes, it’s absolutely worth it.  I’ve been a subscribers for several years.

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  2. 8 hours ago, hank said:

    Are you joking

    No. Perhaps read what I wrote and consider it carefully.

    I said it wasn’t Petty’s best. I have seen him play better games.
    Apparently you think it was his best game.

    He gave away four free kicks which I think is too many. (The team gave away 18. The other members of the back seven gave away a total of five.)
    Apparently you don’t think four is too many. How many do you think would be too many, then?

  3. 9 hours ago, Superunknown said:

    How’s Corsica? High on my todo list along with Sardinia. Perhaps when we park up in Nice next time post Carcasonne, Cadaques, Mont Ventoux (my spiritual home in France). 

    So far so good. We’re in Ajaccio now and it has been good, although a bit more expensive than we expected. We’re heading to Calanques de Piana, a UNESCO World Heritage Site today. 

  4. That’s the first game I’ve missed for years. This Airbnb in Corsica has no wifi! Luckily I had enough mobile data to check the scores occasionally. Later in the day I found a restaurant with wifi so I managed to see the highlights. But for some strange reason our game was the only one Watchafl.com didn’t provide a download for. Now, hours later a download still isn’t available. I’m a big fan of watchafl.com, but this is inexcusable.  
    Anyway, a win under the Covid circumstances is most welcome!

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