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Rab D Nesbitt

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Everything posted by Rab D Nesbitt

  1. I felt we played comfortably within ourselves all night and the margin probably should have been wider in the end. Really nice to see Salo play so well and Knuckle & Bowser were great too. Particularly considering the talk recently around our younger players starting to flag a little. We seemed to work a little harder to create overlap opportunities as well this week. Now watching the replay back and just finished the 1st Qtr. In the real world you couldn't see either Cripps or Vines getting cited for their "dangerous" tackles but in the parallel universe that the MRP work in who the heck knows. I actually liked the pre-game bit that Fox showed about Harry McKay talking on his podcast and the footage in the rooms with his parents. It's common to project our hate of a particular club on the individuals that run around in their guernseys but I'll find it hard to feel that way about him after watching that.
  2. The Tommo & Smudge show. Strap yourselves in boys & girls.
  3. Personally I’d do away with all these stupid cups and medals for rival / derby games. Surely their low point was the Drink Drive Bloody [censored] Cup presented to the winner of the Footscray v Richmond game when they were both sponsored by the TAC.
  4. I really, really hope we can put some scoreboard distance between us and them early and hopefully keep them at arms reach thereafter. I don’t want another game where they’re still in with a sniff going into the last quarter.
  5. Andrew Dillon's first task as CEO must have been to purchase a bigger carpet to sweep this under.
  6. Absolute farce. It won't happen but I dearly hope we tear Carlton a new one on Friday night.
  7. If the player's action has the potential to cause concussion then it's a stick on guilty verdict surely. Isn't that what got Kozzie rubbed out for a fortnight?
  8. They'll lodge a supreme court injunction if the charge gets upheld.
  9. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder QD.
  10. If you really were a clone of Goody instead of using the correct grammar you would have said taken some learnings.
  11. Thanks. It's gotta be better than watching Rome burn.
  12. Does anyone know if that show called Beef on Netflix is any good?
  13. Well, that's two hours I'll never get back.
  14. Not quite WCW. I put together safari itineraries for people visiting Africa. Maybe in the next life.
  15. The Carlton jumper is a bit of a Faroe Island knit / indigenous pastiche.
  16. To me he'll always be that kid that didn't know what a pineapple was.
  17. At the end of the day he's just another opposition player. If some want to treat him like a pantomime villain and boo then so be it. It'll be the least of my concerns come Saturday afternoon.
  18. Excellent idea. I think I'd enjoy seeing some Collingwood fans take the short cut down to Level 1.
  19. I hope they have enough 'buffer' Dees only bays around them. I'm not going to any KB game that they host in the future. If it was my decision I would do as PSV Eindhoven do for visiting fans to the Philips Stadion. Have them all arrive on a special train to a railway platform adjacent to the ground, herd them out through a tunnel into an upper corner of the ground that is surrounded by netting. Then make them wait for 2 hours after the game until the home fans have gone home.
  20. They were even in our Tridents area on L2 in the Northern Stand baiting people when they hit the front. They truly are the lowest form of life. The scum de la scum of supporter bases, if you will.
  21. I feel for anyone that doesn’t have a reserved seat in an MFC only area for this game as being surrounded by their manky mob last year was unbearable.
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