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Everything posted by Wolfturdo

  1. I'm saying that after being in that thread that its funny how so many people will defend that guy if someone says boo about him but be so quick to rip into a champion of the game and act like idiots when he has an opinion that they don't 100% agree with god forbid.
  2. This is exactly it. Watts was not treated harshly. Those who feel sorry for him about the way he left just go back to your tea and biscuits and be happy when we get a couple of wins a season. He could have been part of this and maybe now the extreme pain of missing finals with us will be enough of a wake up call to him in that if you keep doing what you've always done, then one day it will come back to haunt you. The reason he missed out is his responsibility, stop making excuses for him and move on.
  3. Of course not but surely he’s entitled to an opinion without being torn to shreds.
  4. Wow people are ready to defend Jack Watts in the other thread to the hilt but when a champion of the game has a say you’re all ready to get the knives out. Can not believe the double standards. Judd is an icon of the game who has walked the walk and tasted success so he probably knows a little about what he’s talking about. Watts wouldn’t be Judd’s bootlace.
  5. Touched a nerve have we? I like how you’ve instantly assumed I’m a man with next to no knowledge. It was a terrible period and Watts was simply not good enough. If he was we probably would have been better, and he would still be here. Why is this so hard to understand? Are you people all going to send Lynden Dunn a bouquet of roses if they play finals again next year? How about a box of mixed reds on Stefan Martin’s doorstep when Brissy make the finals next year? Actually all you Watts do-gooders should all get together and belt out a beautiful rendition of Danny Boy for Shane Woewodin or anyone else that has been traded ‘against their will’.
  6. There is a slight problem with your philosophy and that is that no matter what way you want to frame it, we didn’t play finals for 12 years. That’s the reality champ, there’s no KPI for near misses and whether you like it or not that is a period of famine for this club. So we had improvement, great. I can just see Jack Watts’s hall of fame bio now. “A stand up guy loved by everyone who was part of the infamous ‘improvement’ era at Melbourne FC. Forget Hawthorn’s 3 peat! Consistently dropped for shirking the issue but was great at rocking up to training!” The more accurate fact is that Jack had 9 of those 12 years to make his mark and didn’t. He was lucky to last as long as he did at Melbourne. Most overrated one season wonder. If he’s hurting, so he should be. It was all in his hands.
  7. You're all carrying on like he insulted his family or something. Lighten up
  8. You strike me as someone who would have him back in a heartbeat. Watts was the epitome of everything wrong with the last 12 years at the club. How some MFC fans actually revered him as one of their all time favourite players is beyond me and says a lot about where we've been.
  9. Divorce got you too hey? Don't worry mate you're definitely not the only one!
  10. Spot on mate, absolutely spot on.
  11. Not bad. Deal with that stuff everyday.
  12. O’Reilly is a pisser!
  13. Hahaha, I think I remember this one. Might have been another Occupy guy. Good shiz.
  14. Hahaha that had to be fake surely?
  15. Nah that’s a load of crap
  16. $3.50? In Sydney? And it was really nice? Get outta here! ?
  17. Some things are quite obvious to the naked eye mate. Like when a first year player is totally gassed. But hey we’ve never made a bad selection this year ?
  18. When we lose and get heavily scrutinised on Monday at least we’ll be safe in the knowledge that the club knew a bit more than us hey?
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