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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. It's a forum I can say anything without getting personal at another poster. As far as picket fence goes he is the one that posted a couple of years ago that he knew more than the football department, so yeah I will make a snide remark to him now and again.You are easily bored.
  2. Those 2 had been working for quite some time.
  3. Yes he and Hassa were the driving force of the merger and on that night I approached both to let them know what I thought of them.
  4. Probably because they know more about it than anyone posting on this site with the obvious exclusion of you.
  5. There are 2 other threads you could have posted that in.
  6. What has this got to do with melk on sen?
  7. Where did you get that information from?
  8. It is a decision made by the club, they know all the details, I do not, so at the moment I will go along with it.
  9. The Jack Watts threads have become tiresome.
  10. Time will tell if it is a good appointment or not, I am just not in the habit of criticizing decisions made by the club without knowing any facts or details.
  11. So a fair bit of assumption there.
  12. I saw mathews hit those melbourne players live, and yes they were weak acts, but if you want to have a go at the person who committed them you don't do it in front of kids. If I had of been mathews in that situation swyl would of been picking himself up of the floor as I would not have nor do I still show the same restraint.
  13. You don't know anything about the details regarding his departure from collingwood, more hysterics on demonland.
  14. I think it was a weak thing to do, In my opinion swyl took advantage that he had young children with him and that mathews would probably not retaliate, which he didn't.
  15. Why would you say anything to him in front of his grandkids. I also think that he committed some questionable acts on the ground and would let him know face to face if I came across him, but not in front of grandkids, no wonder he didn't say anything.
  16. When Jack was at MFC he had my full support as do all MFC players, once he left he just became another afl player but their is no need to sink the boots in when things are not happening for him. People that question the courage of any sportsperson or person in general on social media I have found to be wanting badly in that area themselves.
  17. Are you serious? If you like to learn new stuff, move down to melbourne and work with the mfc marketing dept.
  18. To quote a line from the forest gump movie, are you an idiot or just plain stupid.
  19. Not necessarily, it is not unusual to have 2 emergencies for a game that is still 2 days away.
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