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Go Lordie

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Everything posted by Go Lordie

  1. No, I was sent by the Collingwood cheer squad to sow doubt and disharmony ahead of Monday’s big game. :) Yes, actually, I did mean it. I’m concerned. Do you have a view on Max’s relationship with the umps?
  2. Andy, George and Binman, help me out here, please. Is it just me or do others also think our captain’s demeanour with the umpires is a problem? Infringement decisions in ruck contests can be inscrutable at times, but I worry about the way Gawny converses with the umps. He often seems to be sarcastic, smiling as he delivers his own opinion on decisions. These exchanges can be quite protracted if he and the ump are jogging back to the centre, more concerning if it is the opposition that has scored the last goal. He argues without actually looking at the umpire (I admit this has to be the case when he is standing the mark and has to be on the alert in case the opposition plays on), but on other occasions it seems rude, even demeaning, to the umpire (as in: you’re not worth looking at as I give you the benefit of my opinion). I understand that, strictly speaking, it is only the captain who is allowed to engage the umpires (although that convention seems to be breaking down as umps do more to explain interpretations). This makes the captain’s relationship with the umps crucial on a psychological level. I wonder whether Gawny is costing us football capital (goodwill in other words) with the umpires, an expenditure which might come back to bite us in a close encounter in September. Please tell me I am fretting over nothing. Go Dees.
  3. Spargs didn't have much luck in front of goal V the Lions but his footpassing is ace. I loved that passage where Harmes burst out from half back and hand-passed to Spargs, who then turned and kicked an inch-perfect pass to TMac, who was behind his opponent at the time. But I am puzzled. No matter how well he plays, or whether he has just run down an opponent or picked out a team mate 40 metres downfield, HE NEVER SMILES. It's in stark contrast to everybody else around him, even TMac, who these days loves a goal celebration. What is it with Spargs? Is he a worry-wort? Is he composing the next chapter of his autobiography while he plays? Is he trying to remember the coach's instructions? I can't tell what he is thinking. I'd hate to play him at poker.
  4. Clarry does have the fastest hands in the West...
  5. Having a team full of marking giants hasn't hurt the Eagles all that much. The Dees are a bit short in the marking department, especially now TMac has gone missing in the marking/goaling department.
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