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Everything posted by DeleteUser

  1. Ah, the Barwon Club. Super memories of falling onto the stage with Joey from Lagwagon and singing.
  2. WTF does this even mean " Goodwin: As a club, we’re starting to expose ourselves to these situations. "
  3. Jeez TW is a toss. Just the way he speaks. I know I shouldn't be so silly, but boy howdy.
  4. Agree Geelong by 10 goals. And a return to DL at its best. Withering demands for Rolling Heads. Hope to be proven wrong. At least Le Tour will be in the hills so we can switch over to that.
  5. Red Bluff stair reps with snow on the water?they were the best of times and worst of times but then I remember 10cm snow at gisborne secondary school one day
  6. We could have had Cripps Sicily or brown? Ye gads!
  7. Correction - unless you're Fritschkrieg or Clarry in which case kick to them even if surrounded by all oppo players because... https://youtu.be/Ul_hcxlA5KU?t=1m8s
  8. Absolutely nonplussed about Viney being out. Much more distressed about Lever. And if I was from other clubs I'd be more worried about Treloar, Dunn, Sicily, Nat, Patton, Cameron and McVeigh
  9. Windy. Should suit our bombing. It's like a WW2 London or Dresden campaign. Somebody check the ancestry of these players. Too many RAF pilots and not enough RAAF Spitfires and Wirraways. Every player should have to go to sleep all week to the hypnotic tones of Sean Cosgrove "lower your eyes, lower your eyes. Just kick it in." Happy Gilmore style. Just tap it in. Taaaap it in.
  10. Pithy yet apt and insightful as always.
  11. Good comments from both of you. Ultimately, football is business. They have a short career and Hogan would know this. They money is a substantial consideration, no doubt. Unless he has grand plans to have after footy success like Welsh or invests wisely his $ now. I'm not clear that some notion of club loyalty has much of a place anymore (as a rule) but there obviously would be exceptions to this statement, and Hogan may prove this. In any case, it's not at all silly to sit down and have an honest convo with him. Club > player
  12. No thanks to Hannebery for reasons others have pointed out Would have Beams (for right price) in a heartbeat. Polec yes Gaff isn't he just an accumulator? McGovern wants 1.2M p.a? Good luck with that. but yes but not for that $ You know more than me as evidenced by my lack of knowledge about many of the others Is Langdon available? I think not judging by your selection criteria. What's the story with Lin Jong? Others here have mentioned his appeal (at right price)
  13. Please for no to Tyson What Einstein said
  14. Depending on how you do the ladder predictor, I had the bombers up to 4th at one stage with some wins
  15. Bolding mine. Would love to know if he made the decision in concert with team medicos. If not, he needs to be taught a lesson. And that means stripped of captaincy. I'd like the captain to be Gawn or Lever next year. What a total dill. (If what is said above is true)
  16. Yikes! I dunno about the Swans at the G. I mean we could beat them but it's MFC, so we could lose by 37. I mean, we could feasibly lose every game from here bar the GCS. Very feasibly.
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