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Everything posted by DeleteUser

  1. And there was talk we'd chase him no thanks
  2. Will that fix bias and poor decision making ,
  3. I'll be happy if we scalp whomever is coaching st kilda when we play them, the muffin man (to dispel ambiguity I am referring to his royal highness the earl of muffintown Dew) and his rag tag bunch of merry serfs, and the 2016 premieres. I have a shocking feeling we'll lose one. Then lose every single game from there. The only scalp at risk thenceforth will be in the bar on end of season muck up day
  4. The problem with trying it against lower placed teams is it doesn't prove much against class. He bashed lesser teams up and then goes to water when the pressure is on
  5. Sure, in the seconds, cannot afford experimentation
  6. That's well and good re harmed but he butchered a number of kicks . I have not seen butchering that good since being into my local butcher
  7. I'd love for us to prime ourselves for a game like this
  8. Prithee, where may I see examples of this determination ?
  9. This is not the scalp you're looking for
  10. IIRC weid takes marks or brings to ground and kicking is sublime. And he attacks opponents .... unlike someone else
  11. Agree. We need a beast like franklin who can kick goals from 50-60m out. Weid might be a handy in. i hope we retrain for this variation
  12. Talking points game of margins brand effort culture not talking points "The state of umpiring in this game is [censored] and ruining this once great game"
  13. Now very seriously thinking about ratetheumpire starting with last nights culprits
  14. True. But some intercepts and reverse the rebound against play would have been handy plus he's classy and a leader
  15. Is it just me or did port rebound really effectively from our endless bombing into f50? missing lever. Out Vince in petty at least. We could learn from the Germans about running a bombing campaign
  16. He adds polish. Yes from me (for what little that's worth) contract size/form commensurate with injury risk
  17. Ask him when we will get accountability around umpires and when can we reduce the subjectivity of decisions. They contributed to our loss
  18. Out : Vince ANB Tyson petracca t smiff in: Garlett petty spargo and like for like vfl producers god what a schemozzle seriously petracca needs dropping - what bartel said apparently he was carrying an injury last week and I asked why is he playing then (if little impact) and was pilloried so I stand by that hogan on notice. On big money you do not go missing like the last 2 weeks
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