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Everything posted by DeleteUser

  1. Super interesting about the data. Does the FD use data like this to help drive the decision making process?
  2. Big wrap on this nickname.
  3. Bolding mine. What do you base this statement off?
  4. Maybe you could change to Hogan or Petracca
  5. If they are MFC players I demand you name names
  6. Happy to be paid lots. Drop Brayshaw if it continues. Someone mentioned him as tradebait. And Lewis. Please can we do something about Lewis. Warn the entire team if their workrate and effort doesn't lift, EVERYONE IS ON THE TABLE (Except Max, Mr Total Football, Oliver and maybe Viney and a couple of others). Sorry for the hyperbole, I'm not feeling well.
  7. My prediction L L L L W L L L What's that 9-12? I'm missing one somewhere but it's academic. Please enjoy It's a game of margins people, a game of margins! And learnings! So many learnings. Tremendous number of learnings. I knew a Learnings once, great guy, tremendous guy. Whole lotta guy. He knew another guy, Bumps, who lived on The Road. Bumps on the Road and Learnings. Going to be a whole lotta tremendous Learnings, Margins and Bumps on the Road. Give me strength.
  8. Someone tweet that to Brayshaw and Lewis and their Instas and Insta buddies. SHAME SHAME
  9. I am concerned that the playing group isn't concerned https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/we-didn-t-drink-our-own-bathwater-gawn-20180702-p4zp0f.html
  10. Cruel led by injury That sounds kinda bad
  11. I don't think it's a Left or Right thing (I might be wrong), it's a common way of thjnking and framing even if you've had training for cultural propriety. (No offence to OP intended at all). Just saying
  12. @DV8 sir your undies challenge is uninspiring as you will be able to - ahem- keep things under wraps lets put some money on the table and let's not get too crazy i think $10 will suffice . That figure does not at all reflect my level of confidence it's just that I am not prepared to waste a Zak more on this damned club
  13. And I'm not interested turning up to work each day but yet I do.
  14. Like the idea of Hannan - worth a try fritsch is going to be a superstar. Whoever found him needs a big gold star and exhorting to find more
  15. Resting Gawn disrespects freo and also under appreciates Max's apparent fitness. We can't afford to lose this in some faint hope it'll be ok and we need him the next week. Lose this without max and a fit max against dogs is immaterial play max and rest him on the ground or bench. CHF, FF, back - wherever he can use his go go gadget arms to take marks which some of his team mates seem incapable of doing which is bizarre as marking should be a core funky focus for a footballer
  16. This do it in the media and wear the fines
  17. This the afl Is not going to do anything Kinda wishes jones had waltzed up to Steele and absolutely floored him tahts how desperate things are
  18. Heart on sleeve (1/3 into the wall) maybe he was reaching through the wall terminator style to wring the neck of head of umpiring "now I'd like to see that" (who remembers those ads!? )
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