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forever demons

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Everything posted by forever demons

  1. These late starts are bad for my health,done with the beer done the scotch ,the red is very tasty but getting done on the punt
  2. seems to me this might be farewell game for Nev sad if it is but the writing is on the wall
  3. just knocking the top one now only way i can face this game
  4. what is the injury
  5. We have Dan running the state and Gil running the afl we are doomed
  6. only 2 going well Tomlinson and langdon has been fantastic
  7. needley would call that half a great effort
  8. Just watching 360 on fox ,have never watch for to long before that robbo is totally [censored] in the head ,needs help
  9. going to take bex and have a good lie down
  10. one thing about being a dees support is people feel sorry for you.Usual conversation "so who do barrack for"Dees " Oh sorry"followed by a snigger of pity
  11. stay away from anything sharper than a rubber(eraser that is)
  12. Did you have use that word turned me right off this thread
  13. why drop b rown this club is stuffed
  14. did you play footy at burwood
  15. our web site is laugheble
  16. I do prefer wolf blass black as my preferred drop
  17. is that like a Radar armpit sandwich
  18. Sadly but true OD but liked the way Hore went about it
  19. think it was essendon
  20. agree underwood is a shocker but thought dennis was great
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