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Everything posted by Egg2883

  1. It's once in a blue moon stuff that I have inside info but here we are. This isn't a setup and any club who picks this bloke up is absolutely insane. There's a LOT of baggage here and no number of goals could make up for the toxicity that bringing JS in would bring with him.
  2. Thanks!
  3. I didn't get the barcode email. I'm sure I will eventually, but, to calm the nerves a little can anyone who has received theirs confirm that they're the same as the ones sent for QB and the NT games?
  4. I want to be careful that I'm not complaining here, because I'm not. I went to every game in years gone by. The Bailey and Neeld years were the most attended for my (at the time) future wife and me. In 2018 we moved to a town 90 mins from Melbourne, 2 hours home with traffic from the G and we have 2 kids; aged 3 and 6. The fact is, we can't get to night games and consider ourselves responsible parents. All 4 of us will be at every afternoon game. I've been to Rd 1 and Rd 3. The wife's annoyed, she hasn't been able to get to a game since Carlton last year. I know people aren't speaking directly to me when they suggest supporters are doing something wrong by not attending but the fact is, some people's lives don't accommodate it. We'll keep buying our memberships and keep getting to the games we can get to. That should be good enough.
  5. Turned out the additional barcodes did nothing and rendered the others useless. I went back to using the ones I'd been using all year and got my tickets that way. It's not a stressful process but it's a pain for sure.
  6. That's interesting. I've received about 5 barcodes on mine. We have a family membership but the kid's barcodes are in seperate emails and they don't match any of the 5 I received. No idea what the deal is there but I think I'll just use the ones I always do and see how it goes.
  7. The only email I've received is an invitation to buy tickets to "The President's Club," for the Hawthorn clash. I've tweeted to the club and the MCG to see if they're opening the Hassett and Ryder rooms as they're clearly running indoor functions but no response as yet. I'm hoping those facilities are available to the members who pay for them as they act as a good circuit breaker/change of scenery for my kids who become annoying for other fans when stuck at their seats. As for ticketing I'm of the same mindset of those above, go with the flow and assume I can reserve my seats at 1pm. Good luck to those going along and go Dees!
  8. Has anyone received their email with barcode yet? I feel like I'd received earlier round emails by now but maybe I'm just paranoid at the prospect of missing Chunk's 300th.
  9. The best of/highlights video of Liam Jurrah for me. He was the most talented football player I've ever seen and sometimes I watch it wondering what could have been and what we all missed out on. The Freo comeback game is also a highlight but that's possibly because it was one of the most fun days at the footy coupled with a bloody fun night.
  10. I middle on my opinions of Chip. As a rule I love defenders and we certainly got to see what our defenders were made of in the late 2000s early 2010s. One player I never struggle with for having left though is Rivers. Riv was my favourite player to watch at Melbourne and, in my opinion, we took the best years of his career and lost games on purpose. He owed us nothing when he left. The thing that irks me about Chip is less him and more the FA rules. He was an UFA due to a quirk in the rules that saw him fall out of the top 10 paid players at the club (or something like it). But his contract was so heavily front loaded that his average wage over the contract length would've seen him easily be a top 10 paid player on the list. As an UFA though we lost a lot of bargaining power in that situation. He left for success but that success isn't guaranteed. Ask any Geelong supporter how easy it is to win back to back flags. For mine, I'll remember Chip in 2010. His efforts against Brisbane which have been mentioned earlier but also I feel like I remember a blistering chase down of Lewis Jetta against Sydney. We got the best out of him when he was a Dee and he got the best out of Hawthorn in his time there. PS: The player leaving that bothers me most is Cam Bruce. Undecided in trade week and then just up and leaves afterwards when we have no chance of compensation? Thanks! Jerk.
  11. I've enjoyed a few podcasts on the commute to work. I really enjoyed Serial. I love TEAM Effort for a laugh. It's Ed Kavalee, Tony Martin and a range of guests. The early Cracked podcasts are interesting and funny. They've really gone downhill over time though.
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