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Everything posted by Elegt

  1. he lacks pace and is exposed one on one. Play's best as a loose intercept defender which won't work with our current structure
  2. lever isn't that good.... please target mids instead of kpd's oscar mcdonald could end up better than lever.. and oscar is pretty bad
  3. king did nothing either, looks like Pederson will continue to be our second Rickman for a few more years
  4. Fritsch > Weideman
  5. too many spuds on the list
  6. Kennedy is pretty quick.. all of those forwards you've mentioned are far quicker than weed
  7. he has no pace or fitness, to be a good key forward today you need athleticism, look at Franklin brown reiwoldt and daniher
  8. so far hes on track to be a spud but happy to be proven wrong
  9. McKay has done more than weidman
  10. and to even think we passed on curnow for weideman smh
  11. who honestly would consider trading for any of them?! frost is the only one who's worth a trade, the rest are crap mate
  12. unlucky not to make the list OMAC Tyson Vandenberg King
  13. Why oh why is Garland still contracted?!?!
  14. He doesn't have the tools to make it as a wingman, is short, slow and has poor foot skills
  15. Clearly a big shake up is needed in the playing list. Delistings are crucial and there are many players I'd love to see the back of. I will rank in order the 10 biggest list cloggers Lumumba Garland Hullett White JKH Trengove Wagner Kent Vince Stretch
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