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Everything posted by Elegt

  1. Hasn't gotten picked up yet. Not a surprise in my eyes
  2. yep. gus can't kick. silly people on here don't understand that
  3. Aaron Davey seemed to fix his kicking up pretty well
  4. Highlights are really impressive however kicking needs to be fixed up. Can't be optimistic/pessimistic simply from 1 minute of highlights however
  5. You literally said he's pacey yourself....
  6. Everyone said that about spargo when he was drafted... look how he turned out
  7. Mahoney was rubbish. Thank God he's gone. Instigator of the lever disaster trade
  8. Dees supporters froth over lever. Think he's captain material.... the bloke has been average his whole career, spends more time guarding grass and all he can do is punch the ball
  9. Jake Lever is one of the most overrated players to have ever put on the red and blue. Gus Brayshaw wouldn't get a game at any top 8 side
  10. icing immediately after an injury also has zero effect on muscle recovery, only helps manage pain. Yet this is consistently used by all clubs
  11. Yeah pretty much all clubs do this, but its still not right. This isn't a 2 hr a week gig
  12. his foot is cooked. delist
  13. no chance. omac will not play afl again.
  14. Past it. But has been a warrior. I don't want to see charity games
  15. Absolute star and really should be captain
  16. Strongly disagree. He got shafted for Oscar mcdonald and there were no other tall options apart from frost. Sure dunn wasn't a great player in his later years however he was far better than oscar
  17. Seemed to be running half paced the whole time, hard to tell whether it was effort or just the cooked calves. Great skills though
  18. I love Max but he tapped it to the opposition far too many times this year
  19. Another Josh mahoney special. Ridiculous gifting 2 first rounders for a backman who struggles to play man on man defense
  20. First of all I would have never gotten rid of frost or lynden dunn. Both got shafted to make way for Oscar and both had better talent than Oscar. Second of all I would've recommended recruiting a ready made body, someone like Sam Collins who was delisted from freo instead of relying on an underdeveloped kid to man full back
  21. Completely agree. Oscar would never cop all that he does if he wasn't gifted games. It's not his fault at all and it's quite embarrassing from Goodwin et al. Reminiscent of when jack watts debuted
  22. Well clearly he is not afl standard if he is getting de listed
  23. Would love it if he could use his pace more, kick straighter and run harder defensively. But he's doing pretty well the way he is
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