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Everything posted by Elegt

  1. Billy stretch should never feature in an AFL game again. He coughs the ball up with every disposal, lacks pace and takes too long to make a decision when he gets the ball. He was feeding McGovern and hurn all night
  2. Bring back Hogan and watts. Tmac 2.0 looks disabled
  3. Hore kielty Petracca brayshaw Lockhart. Why do all our young playwrs have rubbish foot skills. They shouldn't be drafted if they can't kick. Taylor gtfo
  4. Gus is playing like he has special needs
  5. Viney has an obsession with handballing it to the ground
  6. I never thought kielty was gonna be the saviour but jeez I'm sure Casey has better players we couldve drafted than him. Shows no intensity
  7. Maybe he can be put in the forward line to add a bit of pressure
  8. 4 dispoals on a day built for small forwards....
  9. What do you think Jason Taylor's reasoning was for drafting him? Baffles me
  10. I like this kid, he adds pace and toughness to the side. Just needs to work on his consistency
  11. Watched tac cup gf, JLT 1 and vfl game vs AIS and he was underwhelming in all 3. Seems to lack the defensive nous I'd expect from a second round pick. I hope I'm proven wrong and it may be a premature decsion to write him off after three games but he just does not seem like the type of player we needed in last year's draft.
  12. That would be a wise decision from the AFL then. Unfortunate for our supporters but if we are not gonna show up and be competitive why should we be rewarded with prime time games
  13. There's a thing called freedom of speech. I expressed my opinion on lack of depth, if you don't like it scroll past
  14. Fans not rocking up to games sends a strong message to the club that we won't accept mediocrity and heads need to roll
  15. For a pick in the 30s he is very underwhelming so far
  16. Mate if you accept last night's mediocrity you're part of the problem. 2 tackles I50 for the whole game and continual bombing forward to the opoosition. Bag your fellow supporters all you want but some people prefer to spend their hard earned money and time on more valuable things. They are full time professional footballers playing like amateurs
  17. Kielty-might make it Petty-too skinny and too raw Spargo-no pace and can't find the goals Maynard-vanilla with no pace Chandler-likely prospect Jordan-dud
  18. Why should people waste their hard earned money to watch the rubbish Melbourne dished up last night
  19. stack was highly touted and was u18 all Australian, Parker has pace to burn, hind will get a run soon has been dominating vfl and Ross is quicker than sparrow. Gibbons has always been a queried draft option
  20. Matthew Parker, Nick hind, Sydney stack, jack ross, Michael gibbons
  21. May and lever have hardly "fixed" our backline issues... Sparrow is the last sort of player we needed
  22. Goodwin needs to stop persisting with out of form players and give kids a run. Kielty petty Baker and Chandler are all in the 2s and need a run. They might not have earned games but it's a good way to find out whether they should be kept or delisted at the end of the year.
  23. The only way up is to recruit players with pace. We are getting outrun every week. Sack mission and sack taylor
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