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Everything posted by Elegt

  1. Also was too scared to get the ball in the backline when it was between him and omac
  2. Gus was never really that good, has been overrated by the media due to the fact he was a high draft pick and that he wears a helmet Harmes should be played in the forward line. Has always been a terrible kick so is a liability anywhere else Tmac injured his foot and has been rubbish ever since. Surely a delisting at the end of the year
  3. We couldn't afford him due to the 3 first rounders we gave away for 2 B grade defenders
  4. 2 years too many bud. We need to start cutting players who avoid contact. This club lacks heart and has been that way for too long. Get rid of the soft bruise free hacks and replace them with guys who will put their body on the line.
  5. Petty is average too unfortunately... our kids don't seem to be much chop
  6. Got schooled by a first year player today. Put no body on his opponent. Disgusting effort
  7. Cant trade him if he has no value. Definetly a delist. Funny thing is that he's one of the highest paid players in the game
  8. How did this bloke get so bad? Runs like a geriatric
  9. People here thought he was a star after two good games
  10. Hes not the right selection. Mistake. Georgiades is making him look silly
  11. What a joke. Jason Taylor needs the flick
  12. Trading a first rounder for koz was a mistake too
  13. he wasn't even that good. He just guarded grass at adelaide
  14. Overrated by everyone on here. People actually thought it was a good idea to gift Adelaide 2 first rounders for him
  15. Jumped the gun with this crap
  16. Fritsch is crap. Vfl hack who never applies pressure
  17. Cause brayshaw is terrible. Can't believe people rate him
  18. This bloke is an insult to the jumper
  19. Does anyone actually rate this guy? Don't think I've ever seen a slower footballer in my life
  20. Get stuffed clayton. King of junk touches
  21. Gifting charity games was where it all went down. Jones is rubbish
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