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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. PF stated clearly that in his report on training, he was very impressed with what Daw was producing at this point and this might suggest that he is further down the rocky road of comeback than all of us imagined.
  2. Our potential clone of Rosman. Two-pronged where we will need it.
  3. We need the big forwards to act like big movers, creating space not just a waiting, waiting huddle and this will provide variations and multiples in targets for our superior midfield and shore-tars complements.
  4. Figuratively speaking, it may be another way to indicate that Chocko knew more than most about this recruit that he valued and respected, with an eye to further but time-appropriate recruitment to a worthy team. Chocko is too wise to merely expect recruitment solely at his maintenance of 'happiness'.
  5. ... and listen ... the inputs and influences of both Yze and Chocko will be the keys to success ...
  6. He does look adept amongst his peers in the highlights reel. He is very young and possibly very trainable. With new coaches about, we must surely be focussed on an increase in development of younger players, recruits and more widespread skills and attributes. Perhaps this young fella meets such criteria?
  7. I'd trust Chocko to get things correctly, so he must have some good background knowledge on the player.
  8. Any measure of central tendency would have to agree with you - despite what could be a very competitive team.
  9. You're correct about limited downsides. I see Daw - with our now superior coaching array - being absolutely vital. He marks going forward, sideways and backwards with no evidence of fear or hesitation; he can kick (short and long) with reliability and is good with set shots at goal; he can run lively players down, and tackle with great skills; he moves to position without tagging due to his long gait, matched with some speed and sound reading of the play; he keeps his 'eyes up' with teammates to dispose the ball to best advantage; with thoughtful coaching and deployment, he could be in the elite class. I see him as a potential gun at CHF/ Full Back / FF and even as a chop in the ruck, all despite his years. His physical presence terrifies most opponents and can be a clearance/space creator at the same time. He's better than TMac, Weed and a few other trusted ones. With player support and mozzie runners, he'd be an enormous asset for the Dees. I'd reckon that on and into the forward line, Daw and BB will have some unique understandings and histories that would work most assuredly to our advantage.
  10. As a number, ' 31 ' is the most evocative and for me and many others, always will be so silently, highly regarded and reminiscent.
  11. The incisive screen, a skill overlooked in Harmes and sadly, so often. He virtually made the play for this goal - opening up a crowded midfield corridor against the reigning Premiers. Well annotated, TPF39!
  12. The Club needs to keep trying (to re-sign his contract with the Dees) but more importantly, the Club needs to provide Clarrie a reason to want to sign (and that just ain't necessary bucks). With the acquisition of Yze, Chocko and Lewis, the Club is in a better position to enhance projected outcomes for the players and fans; this is supported by some terrific new players to slot into the changeable jigsaw that is modern football. All working like a diverse yet well-oilled machine, including an announcement of a 'home' development, Clarrie will see the stability and a bright future to continue to contribute as best as he can to the Club and the fans of the Mighty Demons. I am sure that he will share and possibly - even be responsible for a major contribution to - that much-awaited Premiership and all the satisfaction that it may bring. He is our best player and has already set standards that few could ever match or hope to aspire as obtainable. MFC, keep trying, please and do whatever it takes to help this young man to reach the accolades that he is due.
  13. I'd reckon Milkshake is aware of the clamour for him to earn a spot in the team and would expect him to bear this ever-present in his mind. He is an asset when on song - a very good asset to the team and to much-needed scoring opportunities.
  14. Agreed. I thought we missed Vanders in the praccy match against the Tigers. His impact (take that as you may) was sorely needed on a couple of opposition smart Are Says in their lineup. He instils a team-wide element of determination commonly known as 'mongrel' where brave contests might be calling ... and we needed his straightline forward entries, as well. Few take him on, so to speak.
  15. Posts can be forwarded by a great many desperate journalists seeking controversy as wisdom. Jones should have a terrific sunset in the forward line, off the bench of eternal refreshment, making plays - not distance - with the ball and his teammates.
  16. Gawn joins Robbie, Ronald Dale rather than exceeds them. There are others, different times, different games, different contributions across the history of the MFC who also served us with exceptional talents and drive. The variations are such that true ranking comparisons cannot be accurate, it is just a mantle upon which we acknowledge some of our players as 'special'. I agree that Gawn has a slot on that shelf, to share wholeheartedly and deservedly.
  17. The overall broadcast for TV/Net was terrific quality; the vision crystal clear and camera work was spot on for the electronic audience. Well done, folks. Commentary was honest, enlightening and appropriate.
  18. Jones' experience and game style showed out in the last half, particularly the last quarter. A generator of good decisions and execution was terrific to see, despite the long bomb now and again (alas). He looks a natural in the forward line, as well, crumbing and providing opportunities. Onyer, Jonesy!
  19. Fully agree, Macca - our home game venue is and always should be the mighty 'G. With Casey capable of shaping up as the best option for training and development of players, we have ourselves a Win/Win circumstance to exploit. Perhaps one of the best in the AFL. It is time to put our foot down - let's get it done. Do we still own the Bentleigh Club - I do not know as I have lived interstate (SA) for nearly 20 years. When we started proceedings there, it was a great place to soak up the Demon atmosphere...
  20. Feasible, practical, obtainable, suitable. WE can build from such a start more likely than not.
  21. I feel under the possibly mistaken belief that we have the defending clearers covered with depth. Some classy kids are with us - with one more year of development and orientation that could be used well with nouse, played in a position to further develop as necessary and that is the key. At all costs, we must develop, not play versatiles in their incorrect positions, as we have seen ad infinatum across the past couple of seasons. Some of the names mentioned on the trade table in this thread are great defenders, sure; some of our younger brigade could be even better, depending on the coaching accumen we apply with consistency, to them.
  22. Big consideration and easily 'read' by opposition players tap after tap.
  23. Sure does! They muck up games enough as it is, these days. Very unfair modification for backmen near opposition goal.
  24. As this new rule reads, this will be an outcome; another AFL black mark and gametime interruption. Additionally, it may negatively affect the 'mark and play on ... ' character of the game - most inadvisable.
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