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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. There are many points and observations that may in combination result in that loss. Most seem entirely reasonable as each point contributes to success or failure to score - or defend against scoring by the opposition. Binman hits these nails on the head and we may still have won had our forward defensive pressure been greater on the day. The loss was a consequence of poor kicking to the advantage of our forwards, repeatedly. Kicking out, we went to numbers, not players. If key 'marking players' assemble with the opposition, the chances of winning the ball are somewhat in the order of 40:60. We need to up those odds by establishing mobile marking and shepherding small groups that move away from the opponents' congregations to gain that space of about 30m at the most. That is the start of effective rebounding. It takes a good decision-maker at full back, and one with exceptional kicking/placement skills. It also involves taking control of the game. Geelong broke our penetration ability; if their forwards were manned, they used a series of accurate kicks to 'switch' or to maintain possession mid-field, and wisely selected the moments to pass to forwards. We did not.
  2. Watching the game at the 'G, I couldn't agree more - even in the first quarter. The ball winners seek - at the first sign of defensive pressure or contest - to handball in close proximity rather than get open clearance through run/kick means (from where the reliance on handball may better gain metreage in our favour), and that suggests that our set-up - particularly for centre contests and bounces is at fault. Geelong players intercepted and sharked ruck duels all day to great effect. They also 'stole' this reliance on handball almost at will as it is predictable based upon its inward-looking execution. Geelong set their clearance players out from the melee in a periphery of circling receivers, and make better use of the short kick than the Dees can. We should not have been reliant on one shot at goal to win the game, either. We were winning the last quarter with some style.
  3. One of the umpires did everything he could to keep Geelong in the game after quarter time and it was this attention for scoreboard assistance that lost the Demons momentum. Petracca, Gawn and Oliver were great, Pedo was very useful and competitive, Hibberd and Lever seemed flat across the game. For me, it was Wagner who performed very capably once on the ground. Our Full back line was crumbly, loose, loose, and loose, never on their man and unable to punch the ball clear because often it was marked while our backs were still getting to the contest. Melksham had a quiet one and Chunk worked hard all day. Work to do and improved selections for next week. Maynard might be rested to find some form and pace. We need the vigour of Kent. Hunt and Harmes need to be let off the leash that is imposed on them - both are runners, tacklers, body-men screeners, pacy and very capable of running into the 50 arc for a decent shot. Yet, it was a ripper game despite the outcome. Half of our players were not ready kill Geelong. Those who battled were great. We actually had Geelong beaten for 3 quarters and very successfully made up the score gap across the 2nd qtr. OMac did two nice, clearing punches and one good pass to a teammate. What he was doing for the remainder of the of the game is anyone's guess. Less than 10 seconds effectiveness and each effort was quickly rebounded.
  4. Enjoy the game, folks. 

  5. Great points, yet I am worried about the loss of TMac in the backline...he was getting very good down there. Oh, for a Stephen Icke!
  6. Some people make stupid statements in the face of facts so we must feel sorry for Harvey's comments, he did not look wide enough in his sample ... Go Dees!
  7. As stated by quite a few on DL, if it rains on Sunday, go for Brayshaw over Frost. If no rain, go for Frosty to streak the half-back flank.
  8. NIcely posited proposition, in all exhausted timeframes.
  9. Inappropriate adjective '...power...' in this case. Sad, really...
  10. The possibility of another of Eddie's fatal forays into player attraction? Let's talk the Weed up a bit, so then just maybe, Eddie might think he is onto another very hot piece of property. We might make the Club a quid out of it, too.
  11. And nothing looks like happening until the 4th year. Not a bad kid-glove apprenticeship.
  12. 2 years is enough, 3 years is shameful.
  13. Clarrie's handballing has taken the game by storm - completely legal, completely innovative, completely perfect for a team on the rise, thanks to him. Let us sincerely hope that video examples of these skills are brought to the attention of umpires who so often get such calls absolutely wrong. Genius is often - for convenience - unrecognised.
  14. Absolutely the best news of the year for the Club. With Viney and Clarrie, we going to go far.
  15. Well done, Clarrie....you have the support and gratitude of tens of thousands of Melbourne FC fans.
  16. Yes, DJ - it is all just another worry and as I have said it before, another tall kept in abeyance.....for how long?
  17. We are looking pretty potent, forward-wise. We are looking a little less potent for this weekend in the full-back line - perhaps using Lever in the stated FB position just isn't going to occur; he is fairly light and only moderately powerful. Hawkins, Menzel and Menegola need to be stopped. Some clever and possibly rotational placements will need to be implemented across the game to combat these players. The absence of TMac is at this point, felt and in the midfield, Viney sure is going to be missed. Our mobile muscle options are most likely to be Pedo, Frost and Gawn. OMac and Lever are light but may surprise given team improvements seen in the pre-season. It will be fascinating to see how Goody assesses this concern and if change is needed, what he does. The game could turn out to be a shootout between the two teams' fwd lines. Around the ground, in general, I'd expect the selected 'us' to be quite a bit stronger and capable of winning against this selected 'Catty Put' team. Great start to the season, just the same. A good test.
  18. King has talent. Gone missing? What is happening with him - at Casey?
  19. Painfully true. He has a particular body shape and size. If he really wants to play premium football, he needs to work harder than he has on that body and its capabilities. He could well handle 15 kgs of sheer muscle development from head to toe; his ability to read the play is in need of attention; he has very little agility in lateral and directional change; his light frame renders him noncompetitive in critical fwd marking duels or packs; he could work on speed increases and leading to space as a fwd receiver of midline effort. Injuries, sure were important but I doubt that he has been 'really' working on his aptitudes for success. I'd give him this year only to make the change - then hand him back to the Filth if key milestones are not met.
  20. The Weed: Reading the play is his key football need. Putting on some real muscle is another - much more than one pre-season of 'bulking', as reported. He could also increase his speed considerably and lateral agility is vital for him to become the key forward that he already should be. Consistent competitiveness in marking might result. Leading to deliveries would be highly desirable, as well.
  21. Melksham must be automatically selected, the same with Tyson. Frosty might be ranked next to strengthen the backline. Brayshaw would be my next best pick against the Geelong game style. Jordan is lucky to be there IMO and so is OMac for this round,
  22. His kicking enriches our side when picking longer targets. At least he does not 'bomb' it up there...he actually can go for the goal himself from at least 55m. His best work is to a teammate running to distant space.
  23. Looks like the interchange against the Catty Puds will be: Angus Brayshaw, Dom Tyson, Sam Frost, Jake Melksham This, I like.
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