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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Now I like the sound of that outcome to the season.
  2. With a little good fortune, he should recover from a scar scrape within 10 days and still be able to carry on with upper body, abdominals and other specific work. He could be running to some extent in the next few days; in full training by the end of next week, as well. We must wish him well for this rate of ongoing recovery in preparation for the season ahead. He is a terrific asset for the MFC and he must be champing at the bit, himself, to return.
  3. A font of correct information, Hemingway. Of course, one cannot argue the points over here; one is left to suffer in contrition and humility but ain't it just great when the Dees knock off the Crows and similarly, elicit the harsher nature of post-game Port Power supporters after a massive - or any - loss to the Dees. Are these two teams being protected by the AFL next season with no games at the Adelaide Oval - and only one game against Port; no game/s against the Crows?
  4. Do not discount Preuss - it takes time for rucking to develop, just like it did with Gawny although he was a little quicker than most. There are fairly obvious reasons why Preuss is vital to us; mongrel swing forward with ruck attributes to relieve and eventually carry on the Gawn legacy, and mongrel-like mobility, growing experience plus a penetrating kick and very OK in front of goals from 50m - all packaged in one essential athlete.
  5. You can tell when the carpenter drives the nail straight and square. Totally agree with you.
  6. Yep, I'm with you, raDee(laide), living in Seaford and missing the home of football from whence the mighty Dees originate. This city is a hellhole for news, information (etc) of the MFC, and having to tolerate the incestuous football wisdom of the Adelaidean footy fraternity. Still, this site helps, heaps - except for one or two contributors who cloud the horizon with irrelevant one-upmanship; however, these types are few. Going to miss the Adelaide games in 2019 against Crows and Port. Carna Dees!
  7. Too early to call anything - we must wait until the pre-season and observation is nearly done. Erratic choices now linger in the mind, becoming quite pessimistic and unhelpful with supporters' imaginations and hopes/expectations. At least in a few more weeks leading up to late March, we may all be better informed. Perhaps then, given space to review the pre-season, it could be open slather for the 2019 predictions and poor omens.
  8. Close checking can slow him down, affecting his performance and space-finding; a close defender can work him over fairly easily it would seem. At the same time, he has an enormous upside to his game in several key regards which must elicit deep respect and admiration; therefore, here's hoping that his game skills and opportunities expand in the pre-season and into the season itself as he is extremely valuable as a player in form to the team.
  9. RC did play tennis and did so very well at the nationals and prior to that, college circuit. His 'cover' for 'I Spy' as a tennis coach was a convenient choice by the producers.
  10. Looks like Robert Culp in that photo. Great tennis player for the US on the fringe of Davis Cup selection. Lousy actor.
  11. Correct - and such statistics in the main (statistically speaking) are accumulated not from the subject's talent or median configuration but moreso from the errors of other teams with whom the subject team meets at random intervals of poor play and decision-making. Champion Data can thus depart in most of their activities, one would hope.
  12. Good one, Colin. Exactly what we need from him - he was never going to be an endurance player, but moreso a cut and thrust machine who can kick, mark, receive, give accurately, hit the scoreline, unsettle, instil havoc in an opposition after going in and getting the ball. He still needs to be far fitter and be a V8 version of the player he has been - and this is the year.
  13. You betcha. The MCG will no longer be hallowed ground without us, unfortunately.
  14. Quite surprised how tough it is to select the 'right' team. Surprised that Frost is overlooked given the mobility of that backline set-up and his now improved linkage/challenge capabilities. It will be interesting to see how the post pre-season period strengthens those players available and notably, Lever, Harmes and Preuss, and KK.
  15. You are probably correct, it was only a supposition of the smallest order - nothing else. However, it crossed my mind a few months back during and after the 'Jesse silence' on his intentions. TMac, an improved Weed, hot topic of Preuss at the time before selection, rising young bucks from our 'depth' players, etc. Big performances were needed to hold a spot in such competitive arenas made more difficult perhaps with a nasty injury; but I agree with you, a major reason was returning home.
  16. I know that I was wrong about him, earlier - I guess impatience got the better of me. His improvement profile and threshold, seen late last season in particular, might even be one of those minor reasons why JH decided his own future might be at stake and hence, quite convincingly, left the MFC for the Dockers.
  17. Just the start, folks. More is coming without doubt. We are entering a 'dominance' phase for the competition - and the exciting brand of football that we play (the best at the moment amongst all the teams) will drive that success.
  18. Last man out pick up the empty beer bottles ... I need a re-supply for some serious amount of home brew. Thanks.
  19. Have heard that he is exceptional and well ahead of his age group.
  20. Probably correct, McQueen, so it seems you may be hinting that as we are no longer 'basket-case' or 'dunny-can' it may be possible to aspire for Kobe Farmer where his dad can see him assist in a MFC premiership win - coz we're going to win 6 in a row starting next season! You are in WA I think you've mentioned, can you check him out for us and report sometime in the future?
  21. I have heard these statements via media and associates several times: Jeff said: '... Kobe will be a Demon and nothing else...', and '...Melbourne is still my heart and soul...'. We have to find a way to sponsor Kobe right now as a family member of the MFC tribe, his education, his development - all for sentimental reasons related to one of our greatest players.
  22. Is it summer already? There seems to be a considerable amount of hot air blowing to interrupt reading time.
  23. The performance must be remembered ... it was more than just a purple patch.
  24. Kicking penetration similar to the great Rod Grinter, heh? We haven't had one of those for years....
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