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Engorged Onion

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Everything posted by Engorged Onion

  1. I know mate...work in the area... its too oft bandied about by those that are unaware .... mind you, we no longer talk about mental toughness either...
  2. A high performance work environment, does not necessarily mean it is a high performing work environment...soz, just had to get it off my chest...
  3. I guess there is a combination of the club/development system/coaches (past and current) who maybe have not helped Jack reach his potential, as well as Jack prioritising other things to not eek the best out of his perceived potential (mind you,maybe what we see, IS his limit). Its it helpful to lay blame, probably not...it's okay to have a little from column a, and a little from column b - his story is no different from others, who wanted to stay at their clubs and perhaps haven't delivered (I'm looking at you Adam Hueskes ;P )
  4. please stop talking about dwayne...
  5. I disagree with this notion, correlation doesn't equal causation - I think they're mutually exclusive events... For all the players that have left Adelaide - there are plenty that stay even when they're not in their state of origin. I would love the stats over the last 7 years (Gen Z's and Millenials) of how many who are not playing in their home state, have requested trades back home, vs those that haven't. Further, (and this is one of my biggest gripes) - for those who post on here that players who want to go home are 'soft' etc etc - family, friends, lifestyle just about always trumps working for an organisation when its based interstate - be it football or otherwise.
  6. Ahh, that wasn't a crack at you at all - just an acknowledgement that we all want instant gratification and solid gold nuggets...
  7. bit annoyed about that one @Petraccattack?? Best to take most things with a grain of salt methinks... you'd hope people don't make $hite up on here for the sake of it
  8. I'd be thinking that was contingent on the playing group and coaches that he didn't actually choose to surround himself by...
  9. Right, I’ll bite here @Roger Mellie- I presume you’re frustrated at the ‘moronic/underwhelming ‘ options that people have put forward in another thread as discussion points rather than focusing on legitimate trades as designated by your good self? So part of your schtick is to do a mellie version of a name and shame board? You sir, have made my weekend.
  10. Beyond Jakes role, is another train of thought that he frees up Hunt to ‘break lines’ and hit targets further up the ground on a wing? Is that too simplistic?
  11. I see where you are going. Just remember, there are ego's as well in coaching staff - and they all like to think they have the skills and knowledge to get someone to change and adapt with their flaws. Geelong recruited Aaron Black from North - 1 game I believe... Sydney, Talia... 0 games (or thereabouts)... Sydney and Geelong saw them totally differently and those two may or may not be able to be skilled enough or at a minimum hit behavioural standards required of them, in a new environment where the coaches backed themselves to be able to develop them further...
  12. *cough...Gtown allegedly in to Wattsy, wouldn't mind a Thurlow or a Stanley coming back the other way.
  13. its just a trade rumour as per the title
  14. fill in the blanks for me @binman...I know nought about him.
  15. Primarily because of the new EBA - this is the new cost of players who currently are not on your list, that you want to obtain (who are highly rated, or highly rated for potential) - in 4 years time 500k will be 3-4th year player averages who are themselves average... So currently we paying over and above (hate the saying overs/unders...anywho) to have him now...and an inflated rate which will in due course, become the norm, for similar quality players.
  16. Guaranteed 1st round....the afl loves a contrived drama
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