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Skin Deeamond

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Posts posted by Skin Deeamond

  1. On 06/02/2018 at 7:10 PM, Doodle Dee said:

    We'll all do a 180 on the "we dont need a big fish" talk. I think we'll be trading quite a few players to make cap room for a massive offer to Sloane or another player, if this group cant deliver finals.

    Ollie wines is out of contract at the end of the year.

    • Haha 1
  2. When the umpires throw it up it goes to a much lower altitude before it starts to descend when compared with the bounce. This totally alters the ruck duel.

    Also why recall bounces that are faulty? This used to be just part of the game and randomly favoured one team at one bounce - added some more luck/chance into our game. Where was the harm in that?

  3. 2 hours ago, small but forward said:

    Completely agree on all scores, praha. I was only looking at it from the point of view that good sides like Adelaide are likely to be good again, do we have a run against those teams (as we do, running into finals); and despite fewer 6 day breaks; comparatively are we getting less rest than our opponents (we are). Teams we play next year may or may not buck the trend, the draw says to me we must be in a strong ladder position come the bye as we've got more travel and (expected) tougher opposition. Same could have been said this year, though, and we won some games I thought we'd lose.  

    We're definitely good enough.

    I’m not sure how you can support your last sentence. The second half of our 2017 season showed that we’re not good enough. I don’t believe you can tell until well into a season how ‘good’ a team is. Look at the Swans this year or Norf last year. There’s absolutely no guarantee that a team will improve on their previous season or even do the same as last season. There are multiple examples of teams who do well one season just to have a horrible next season. Look at the doggies this year. Remember those seasons where we yo-yoed in alternate years from the top eight to the bottom four? Remember Essendon after their 2000 Grand final win? The so called experts were predicting a decade of dominance by them which didn’t happen. 

  4. 1 hour ago, P-man said:

    I'd be happier. He should've been top two with a fair distance to third.  To not feature at all is mind boggling.

    It may not be malicious. I'm not accusing anyone of nepotism. If that was the case then both Hibberd and Melksham would have got a gig. I just think it's quite clearly the wrong outcome.

    Viney is one of my favourite players. He wasn't our second best player this year. He wasn't within cooee of it.

    Yes he was.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, faultydet said:

    Don't you read?

    It was in response to someone whining about Trump supporters. I didn't start it.


    If you are changing your mind about Watts simply based on the perceived arrogance of the pro-trade lobby, I would suggest you are not communist, but more likely a lefty ;) 


    I will miss Jack, but I'm looking forward to seeing who Goody brings in. I will bet they will improve the team.

    Please explain your understanding of the difference between a communist and a “lefty”.

    • Like 1
  6. 45 minutes ago, The Sailing Demon said:

    The idea that the club owes anything to Jack because he was "Loyal" is moronic to say the least.
    I have been a supporter for 26 years now and have felt the same anxt and hardship that we all have but year after year I wear red and blue, get into arguements with other footy teams fans defending us, pay my membership and go to/watch every game I can. I live in sydney and I fly interstate often just to see our boys play.
    By the logic that we should keep the players due to loyalty then I would say 99% of us Demonland members would deserve a game in red and blue.

    Jack is an interesting case. and although I have a completley different career path to him I think him and I have some similarities.
    I joined my job in 2008 at the age of 17, showed a lot of promise early and had regularly under performed do to general lack of interest. very good at my core job, one of the brighter kids in my working environment and had heaps of good friends, and if I put in more effort I could have probably been along further in my career, but instead I relied upon my natural ability to my arrogance and coasted along. It wasn't until I was sat down by my bosses and had my resignation signed for me and I saw people that I considered below me in terms of job ability started surpassing me due to attitude and professionalism that the penny dropped and I started being accellerated through my career.

    Not trying to make it about me because it's not but heres my lesson learned.?
    Did my employer owe me anything? NO
    Was my career path solely decided by myself? YES
    Did I deserve chance after chance to improve my attitude and general mood towards the organisation? NO
    Thankfully I pulled my head in and im into my 10th year in the Navy with a lot ahead of me.

    Also, I am not sure who here plays local footy but the same goes there. At my local club if you don't train and prepare the way the staff want you to and what is expected of you then you don't play, simple as that.We don't get paid, or anything like that, but you owe it to the people taking their time out to coach you, and play along side you to tow the line and give them the effort they deserve.
    Whether you're premier division or division 5, the same standard is set across the board, no matter how good you are or how much the team needs you, we have had our captain dropped after he missed a team session on a Thursday night because he chose to get on the [censored].

    Jack and I are similar ages (26/25) so I would like to think I have a geenral idea on how his mind works. He, just like me (Any my missus will agree to this) have a [censored] load of growing up to do and still consider ourself one of the boys and still a bit immature, and just like him, I have junior people in my organisation look up to me whether they like it or not. The standard that you hold is the standard that is set.
    So for me to say "Yep, trade him, [censored] him" would be rich however when I was staring down the barrell of a resignation I wasn't surprised and didnt expect my bosses to show me any leniency any more (Thank god they did).

    Jack, don't be surprised at the situation that you have created for yourself, would we all love to see you in red and blue next year? sure, but do we expect a hell of a lot more from you? Yes. Get to the early training days that the first years have to attend, train harder than anyone on the track and hold yourself to a standard.
    But if you even for one second think that the club, playing group, coaching staff, members and fans are even going to let you put a toe out of line then youll be playing for Casey and removed from the club so quickly then youll want to look for a new job.



    Toe the line

    Go back to school 

  7. 21 hours ago, Nasher said:

    "Giving" him a rookie spot involves delisted and re-drafting. You have to be prepared to lose the player taking that path.

    I get the feeling they rate him. He's big, tough and quick - if he can get fit, I think he'll remind us why we were all so excited when he first burst on to the scene.

    He may not be so quick with a stuffed foot.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Franky_31 said:

    If there is another player about as valuable as Lever looking to get to us, then I would probably prefer to work with the players list than sell the future picks. If so then it looks more and more like J Hogan who may be packing his bags. I would prefer to see Brayshaw and later picks from next year, not 1st round.

    High draft picks are a big gamble. Look at some of the players we got recently eg Cale Morton at pick 4, Lucas Cook, etc etc. we should trade the high draft picks for good AFL- proven players.

  9. On 29/09/2017 at 4:08 AM, KC from Casey said:

    Jack Trengove is the winner of the Casey Demons 2017 Best and Fairest award -  the Gardner-Clark Medal.

    The runner up was promising youngster Bayley Fritsch who also won the VFL's Fothergill–Round Medal for 2017 which is presented to the most promising young talent in the VFL competition. 

    Big deal. He tried. He was no good at AFL after about year 2 due to injuries. Nice guy. Another Demons bad luck disaster.

  10. 50 minutes ago, Gorgoroth said:

    Storm are the best club in Aus. They are constantly successful in a state that is not for their code. Most years they lose great players and they do not miss a beat.

    Think of who they have lost in the last 10 years and how well they have remained.

    And all the salary cap breaches.

  11. On 09/09/2017 at 7:10 PM, Diamond_Jim said:

    Great onfield success but have not really developed a following in Melbourne....almost no media coverage

    Understandable perhaps but a lesson for the AFL

    interesting article here on the role of ANZ Stadium in NRL.......seems that no one likes it


    They have a big following in Melbourne.

  12. On 29/09/2017 at 7:40 PM, dpositive said:

    Am trying to build up enough enthusiasm to watch let alone care about the result.

    i just hope the coach is watching with every player and reminds them they were good enough to beat both sides but were not able to beat North and the Pies. 

    The boys should be humiliated and chastened no then inspired to play every second of every game next year so they and we can be interested again.

    We didn’t beat Richmond.

  13. 3 minutes ago, M_9 said:

    The exact figures are here, but I'd bet without the money we get from the two NT games, plus the annual handout all clubs receive, we'd have serious financial issues. The club announced a profit last year of  $720,218, the bulk of which was made up by the AFL handout (more than $500k).

    We're doomed to play all points of the compass for some time. I saw us win in '64. We won't win another flag in my lifetime. FFS we can't even beat rubbish teams like Norf and Freo. Look through our list. There's at least a dozen list cloggers.

    You are right. Why can’t we get some stars and improve the culture? Richmond have turned themselves around in one year!!!! 

  14. 18 minutes ago, Pates said:

    I tend to agree with you, I don't feel like there's a true powerhouse side emerging for a couple of years (hopefully us?). I think they will be thereabouts of the 8 again but they had a lot of luck at the start of the year and a friendly injury list. 

    You need a lot of things to win a premiership, one thing the have never had since 1964 is luck.

    Taking nothing away from Richmond, every single premiership team has needed luck. 

    They were magnificent today. The contested marking and tackling and skills were truly awesome. 

    • Like 2
  15. 9 minutes ago, Pates said:

    It's a very good question, Richmond's success has come on the back of a sensational year from Dusty where he went from an A/A+ player to out and out star. Of course lots of other parts to it with the emergence of some very good contributors and bringing in the likes of Caddy and Prestia. 

    We will need at least one of Clarry, Petracca, and Brayshaw to become stars. Viney I feel like has reached just about his ceiling in terms of ability, his leadership will be his biggest asset in the future. Hogan also needs to realise his potential, he has all the attributes to become a star forward, it's now down to his dedication (and us then holding on to him).


    Their success also came on the back of a coach who transformed himself and with him the playing group into a team. Have a look at how he did it on the AFL website.


    16 minutes ago, chook fowler said:

    Never been close to a bnf in 9 years, let alone all Australian. Not in the leadership group. Rocks up in poor shape for pre-season training. Has been dropped to Casey by both Roos and Goodwin. Really poor comeback after his hamstring, especially in terms of intensity. A known party boy. 

    Cant understand the criticism of Goodwin, McCartney and Jones for being sick of him. I only hope we get a decent trade.

    I have also heard that he "party's hard". 

    • Like 2
  17. 2 hours ago, Die Hard Demon said:

    Well it would seem that we may end up doing that rumored deal with the pies.

    Pick 10 and Watts for their pick 6. Then on trade pick 6 and a shuffle of later picks to the crows for Lever.

    If that's what has to happen, then so be it .. But I shudder at the thought of seeing Watts in black and white.

    What is the source of this information?

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