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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. At least we're hitting the scoreboard and looking likely this time. We had 15 inside 50s last week and never looked close to scoring.
  2. Showing just a little glimpse of his ability there. Read it very well.
  3. Der-wayne is on - use this to make it interesting:
  4. Brodie Smith a late out for the Crows, replaced by Ben Crocker. No late changes for us.
  5. I'd wiped this game from my memory. Reading that sentence was like having flashbacks that could send me over the edge. What a horror show that day was.
  6. Expected way more comments suggesting they can knock us off. If I was an Adelaide supporter I'd be pretty confident about this one.
  7. If we lose, you can put a few extra zeroes on the end of that.
  8. I'll give you Sparrow, but is Jordon an inside mid? I always got the impression he was more of a flanker than anything else.
  9. Not the worst idea, Ox. We know Trac can play forward, Oliver is also pretty good above his head while Viney can play a 'bullocking' role at the feet of the talls when he rests down there. We need to remember that Trac, Oliver and Viney don't play in the midfield for the entire game. We always rotate some through. If we wanted Harmes tagging someone specific, then he can go in there and we can rotate a little. If we don't need him then he can just be part of the rotation. Either way, we have options to change it up without robbing ourselves of having our best players in there.
  10. If we can have a repeat of that game tonight then I think we'll be more than happy!
  11. Extremely nervous about tonight. I'm normally a little nervous anyway, but this is different. While I don't subscribe to the fact that, if we don't win by 8 goals, we can't play finals or Goodwin won't see out his contract, I'm not so sure we play finals anyway, no matter how much we win by, but then we're 4-5 if we do so we're not out of it yet. But if we fall over the line then it won't stop the jungle drums from beating. A win will keep them at bay for the time being, but it won't do much for anyone - not for Goodwin, the players or for us supporters. We should win this game and win it well, but how many times have we said that over the years for it not to happen? I'll back us in to win by 6 goals, but I have no real confidence in that prediction.
  12. I wouldn't go that far with it - Oscar being in the side has allowed Lever to play his natural game in defence, so in some ways, both have benefited over the last month or so. I don't think we miss Frost at all to be honest. May is essentially his replacement and he's having a far better year.
  13. Regardless of how supporters feel about Oscar, it should strike people as an odd move. @titan_uranus sums it up well and I briefly mentioned it earlier in the thread too - he seems very stiff to get dropped, and we don't seem to have brought someone in to replace him. If you look a the 'ins', you would assume that Tomlinson is the only close thing to a 'like for like' change, but why would we play him there? We got him to play on a wing, and then we started asking him to pinch hit in the ruck, and now we are potentially asking him to play down back? Very strange.
  14. They played each other in 2018 I think, when we smashed them off the park in the NT.
  15. Happy with the changes, although even if he didn't play as well as previous weeks, I think Oscar is a little stiff to be dropped. Like ANB and Bennell in, especially with Pickett out, and Vanders adds some real toughness to the side and players seem to walk a little taller with him there. Also pleased to see Tomlinson picked as well. The rest of the outs make sense. Kozzie is injured and being managed, while Hannan hasn't got near it for a fortnight. Crows have made about 10 changes. The one I noticed was McAdam, who is being managed. He provided a real threat up forward for them last week so that's one positive for us.
  16. So if we're trading one of them, it's Brayshaw. No offence to Gus, but he's not even in the same field as Oliver. I'm not even so sure the club would look to trade Gus and, even if they did, I'm not sure we'll get what we want. It's easy to say trade one, but it's harder to get the player we need. They have to be out there and available. Also, harsh assessment on Bennell. His best was excellent, and even if he is a little past it due to his injury history, we've seen that he has the capability to contribute at a good level to our side.
  17. I'd also like to see Tomlinson get another look in. Thought he was fairly stiff to be dropped in the first place. Happy if that comes at the expense of Jones.
  18. That sucks about Kozzie, but hopefully the rest will help to keep him fresh. Looks like we will go with at least two changes with Tom Mac being dropped.
  19. He did in the Hawthorn game. Thought he looked terrific in that game. Obviously he didn't have the same output in the previous couple of games, but neither did Weid or TMac. As mentioned above, Jackson is able to stay in a contest. He is far better when the ball hits the deck, and far more athletic, than TMac. I'll be interested to see what we got with later tonight.
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