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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Onto the Bevs? Going by your post history, you've been on the bevs for about three years.
  2. If it was us they would strip us of Premiership points and give us a $1 million dollar fine. The Tigers? They'll have it sent straight to Michael Christian... who will let them off....
  3. It's incredible really. But laughable and unsurprising as well. Although I feel a little dumber for having indulged him to be honest.
  4. Classic stuff from our ol' coq. Compares the Geelong superstars with our fringe players. Yeah, that's a spot on analogy.
  5. Yze wasn't the only one. Brad Green could hit those targets as well, and Trapper Johnstone wasn't a slouch at it either. We had a really good mix in that side that year. I loved the addition of Peter Vardy to that forward line but he just couldn't keep himself fit for long enough to have a consistent impact. I've always wondered how much further we could have gone that season had Farmer stayed.
  6. Serong was taken at Pick 8. Pickett was taken at Pick 12. So we didn't even get the chance to take Serong. You're an absolute spanner, Olisik.
  7. I was there that day. What a combo it was - Neitz kicking 9 and smashing Carlton off the park.
  8. You sound like SWYL. I don't mean that as a compliment either. But I was being slightly facetious with my comment earlier. Saints have improved, but then they have lost four of their last five games as well. They aren't exactly flying. And for all their improvement they are only a game ahead of us on the ladder.
  9. It's a fair comment, GT. While he still looks a little like a deer in headlights with ball in hand, and he doesn't really give us anything on the rebound, he did do a pretty good job defensively on Papley. He was never beaten one on one and you can see the desire and effort there. He had more of that than many others last night. He deserves another run ahead of someone like Oscar, but Tomlinson was good down back as well, and I don't think we can have May, Lever, Tomlinson AND Smith in the same defence.
  10. Yeah, they've improved so much they couldn't knock us off five days ago.
  11. I think maybe @titan_uranus has brought it up before, but I'd love to see the stats on where teams have played, how many flights etc. It would be interesting to compare the top sides to the mid-range/bottom sides to see the difference.
  12. Why didn't you bring it up last week, then? Oh, that's right. We won.
  13. Really good point, doc. I've always felt that our midfield mix CAN co-exist... but then you read the above, and it becomes clear that they just don't play for each other enough. Both Viney and Oliver are midfield bulls who end up going for the same ball too often. Or, if they let the other one go for it, they are still too close to the contest, so if we lose the ball they have a loose man to fire a handball too so they can run away from the contest under little to no pressure. That's also on our midfield coach as well. Why aren't they working through that with them? Or looking at the set ups? We have an A grade ruck man who is out of sync with his midfield at the moment, and it is taking away one of our major strengths, which is winning clearances and contested ball. We need to lift in this area, quickly, before the season is shot for good.
  14. I agree too, Clint. We wouldn't have made that decision. I am loathe to even consider it an excuse, though. Good sides overcome this stuff, or just find a way to win really, really ugly. It was clear we had pretty much rolled over before a ball had been bounced. We need to be better than that.
  15. Right, having had time to sleep on it, I've come to a few conclusions... even if I still have a dirty taste in my mouth from last night! I've seen it mentioned in another thread, and in here, that we only flew up to Cairns the day of the game, while the Swans were there for a few days prior. Now, that might have had an impact on us, but you know what? The really good sides find a way to win regardless. I know teams will lose games, but it wasn't as if we were playing a Top 4 side last night. If it had of been Brisbane, or Port, or the Tigers etc, then you could understand the outcome a little more. But the Swans are a bottom 4 side, missing some of their very best players. We can't use it as an excuse. If we're a good side, then we find a way to win and move on. Instead, we served up some absolute slop and coughed up four important points. On the flip side, the one thing we can hold on to, is that we aren't out of the finals race by an means. I know that we could possibly fall over the line and get knocked out in the first round, but getting back there could have a really positive effect on the club in numerous ways - experience, membership, confidence etc. I don't want to get there to just be a one and done side, but I can't write us off just yet. Last thing - if last night showed us anything, it's that we have the opportunity to make some big calls on the list this off season. There are still plenty of players out of contract that we can let go and move on from. If we want to go from a good side to a very good side, then we need to make the tough calls while we can.
  16. It's how you know he's a troll. He knows exactly what he is doing by starting these threads after a loss.
  17. Regardless of the implications of a GWS win, I'll never get sick of watching Carlton lose. Eases the pain of today ever so slightly.
  18. Agreed. Ed Langdon was our best by some way, regardless of his missed shot on goal and kick out error at the end of the game.
  19. And anyway, Mahoney didn't select these guys. Jason Taylor did. Go and resurrect or make a thread on him. If you're going to sink the boots in, at least aim it in the right direction.
  20. I'll bite. Who selected these guys to play? Goodwin did. Everyone of those you named above were speculative picks. Oscar? A pick in the 50s. Smith? Cat B rookie Brown? Added late as a free agent. Harmes? Rookie list Fritsch? A pick in the 30s. These aren't the players we should be relying on. They are the foot soldiers, some of which will never make it. It's why they were late picks or rookies in the first place. Mahoney has over seen some wins at the trade table as well as some misses. That's life. Right now he isn't the problem. What we serve up on field is. Also, you do nothing but support the feeling on this site that you're nothing more than a troll who only turns up after a loss by resurrecting this thread tonight. Well done.
  21. We don't need either in the side. Ever. Tomlinson is better than both of them combined down back right now.
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