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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Got some stout cooling in the fridge right now. That's something to look forward to.
  2. First question - no idea. You would have to ask the players. Second question - no idea, although that's a cop out from the players. Most of our better ones are under contract anyway. The currency, for me, is hope. I'm not asking that of the players. I have no idea what is going through their minds right now, but they are hopefully taking some of the blame for the last few games as well. The game plan might have left is scratching our heads, but their effort did it no favours either.
  3. I disagree, but only because they are young. Kozzie has played a handful of games and is 18 years old. That was Bedford's second game. Of course we would like to see more, and they had little influence last night, but that's not what has me worried. They at least have time on their side to continue to develop.
  4. The one thing that is keeping me going is that core group of players. This isn't a joke of a list, which it was under Neeld when Roos took over - there is plenty of talent there to work with. The issue, of course, is in utilising that talent, and we need a coach who can bring the best out of them on a consistent basis. Skills can be hidden a little at times with the right game plan.
  5. No, I'm not. Read my post after that. I'm not making or finding excuses at all. We've stunk it up two games in a row, with finals on the line, and it's inexcusable. I was just after people's thoughts on that stat.
  6. No idea. If Clarkson was available - and that's a massive if - then he would be the number 1, 2 and 3 option. I don't care how the Hawks are going right now. The bloke has all the credit in the world. He would walk in and instantly make us better, and he has the guts to make the tough decisions. Ross Lyon does nothing for me. Got the Saints and Freo into the final dance, but stuffed up their lists big time in the process. Good match day coach but not great at building a list to be honest. Outside of that... no idea. Voss? Maybe, but he didn't do a whole lot for me while at Brisbane. I am sure there are other assistants out there waiting in the wings, but I'm not sure that's what we need, and I don't think the supporter base would swallow another untried coach.
  7. Still hurting from last night. I don't love the club any less. I've got five memberships, two of which I still get for my parents even though they aren't alive anymore, and I'll continue to get them as well. But gee that's deflating. I try and find positives in most games, but I'm struggling to even come up with some out of that. The only aspect I can see going forward for us is that we have a strong core, and one that is still coachable. We aren't a team that has aging stars and not much coming through. We still have Trac, Oliver, Viney, Salem, Jackson, Pickett, Rivers, Lever, Weideman, Brayshaw, Harmes etc all coming through who have plenty of football ahead of them. I can't see Goodwin being the man to take us forward in 2021, but that is a really good group of players for whoever we get as a coach. But I think I'm resigned to the fact that we aren't going anywhere under Goodwin, and that the club needs to make some tough decisions about who is in the box, and who we have on our list, going forward. It sucks to think about because we had the right idea in mind when we hired Roos - he stays for three years, then his hand picked successor picks up the reigns. We have stability and a list that has set us for finals football for the forseeable future. We don't have that now. And something needs to be done. This sucks.
  8. Interested in people's thoughts on this stat (if it hasn't been shared already): I'm well past excuses, but would love to know how other teams stack up with this. 9 games in 43 days, when generally you would average 9 over 60 or so, is a tough ask.
  9. One of the most astounding decisions he's ever made. We could play better as a key forward than he can. He didn't even look like it, and he isn't mobile enough to get up the ground to give us a target.
  10. Didn't think I could feel worse than last week. Then we serve up that slop. I've been putting it off for a while now, but that has to be the end of Goodwin's senior coaching career. If it doesn't happen right now, then it happens at the end of the season. I know there are financial implications involved, but I was embarrassed tonight. We stunk it up again from the moment we got going and we never looked in it. We hung around like last night's pizza for most of the night, but I didn't feel as though were ever going to win it. Our forward line is a mess. Weid is constantly battling two or three. I can't understand why the [censored] we picked Preuss, in these conditions, to play as a forward all night. Outside of one tackle he did nothing. Our small forwards were Bedford and Pickett, two kids who are still raw and learning the game, and ANB, who does ANB things and really shouldn't be playing football. Fritsch, while he can be soft, gets a pass mark from me as at least he gets to the right spots and does things with ball in hand. Our midfield was running on empty and we lacked rotations in there. I have to commend Trac, Oliver and Viney as they never stopped trying, but they were outmatched. And lets not forget that we had too many passengers - Smith, Pickett, Bedford, Baker, Hunt (okay, he did two good things, but that was it), Hibberd. There are probably more, but we need everyone contributing to win games of footy and it just doesn't happen. Positives - I really like Trent Rivers. Great drafting there. Mids did okay. Langdon has a dip. Tomlinson did really well in defence. That's really about it. Hurting big time tonight. Hopefully the club has the courage to make some big decisions in the coming months. Another e-hug to all of you out there.
  11. And for the second week running, he admits his mistake of playing a bloke who he shouldn't have. Last week it was Oscar. This week it was Preuss.
  12. Right now, he is the least of our worries. At least he gets his hands on it and tries to do things with it across half forward. He isn't tough, but not everyone can be.
  13. Hibberd was limping at the end of the third term. Should never have played.
  14. Well everyone. Let's hope 2021 is slightly better than this one. What a crock this has been.
  15. Clearly had no one forward of the ball to kick to. Edit - not defending him there, but he normally kicks in that situation. I think it's evident there was no one ahead of him so he made the decision to try and retain possession rather than give it away 50 metres down field.
  16. Including that lace out pass to Weideman? Yeah, no worries.
  17. Paging @Sir Why You Little. He's been patient for 89 years.
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