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Everything posted by SFebes

  1. I thought Jokovich played tennis, shows how much I know....
  2. Goodwin: We’re certainly not overhauling our game - I find this actually alarming and it actually explains this year to a tee.
  3. I guess that’s my point, season is over, build and plan for the future, I don’t care if he doesn’t play forward. He’s very hit and miss as a forward tbh, maybe even overrated
  4. He’s a gun when he goes in there, would live to see more of it. That gametime would revolve around how crap our forward line is I assume. His hands are clean and he’s strong around the hips
  5. Put him in the midfield for the rest of the year until his legs go like jelly and he can’t walk. Buildeth the tanketh
  6. I would not be against Gawn as Captain and Jetta plus Lever VCs. Just need them injury free. Nev has shown great leadership in recent times and never gives up.
  7. Personally I feel like we need a change in leadership anyway, Jones is nearing the end and if he has one more season then its the perfect time to hand over the reigns and I agree re Viney, hes never been a good kick. I wonder what it does to players' mindsets seeing leaders butcher it. Anyhow I'd get Ellis, even for depth and I'd look into Tigers' list to stock ours up also. I thought we'd have a crack at Townsend for a goal sneak but unsure why we didn't.
  8. I absolutely disagree chookrat, anyway perhaps I should have used an emoji. Enjoy your day mate
  9. Should replace Jones beautifully then.
  10. Viney on SEN just now said he likes the co-captaincy.
  11. The way he is playing, it's hard to imagine him having a full pre-season this one, or forever really. I think he'll be a managed player for the rest of his career sadly. He's clearly playing sore atm, I just wish the club would send all these NQRs away now and get their surgeries done, rest and ready for day one of pre-season. Goodwin is absolutely stupid for trying to drive them all into the ground with nothing to gain this year, there are a few who clearly are sore.
  12. Thanks for that, but that wasn't the interview. Cheers
  13. It was on SEN earlier in the year from memory, maybe with Maher. It's not my job to look, feel free yourself though, I already know what I heard. You're a Jones fan and that's OK too.
  14. Nathan needs to be honest with himself, earlier this year he gobsmackingly said he could play for another 5-6 years. He doesn't look to be enjoying his footy as much either, but losing would do that also. Hopefully someone like Sparrow develops into the "current" Jones role.
  15. Because we keep selling the farm for injury prone fatties. Those two players coming in on big coin would have to have upset the apple cart IMO. It hurts to see the Dogs pups or Port with Burton, Rozee, Duursma, Butters etc. Meanwhile we overrate our list. I've been a big fan of Mahoney in the past, but I seriously think he should hang his head in shame, Viney and Taylor also.
  16. For the best part of the year we've had Jetta, May, Hibberd, Lever out while Lewis has done other roles. Only way I understand going after Keath (hopefully not big $$$) is they will utilise May forward with TMAC. Just a thought.
  17. The bloke who invented flannels and flannelette tops
  18. Maybe drinking bong water instead of bath water then.
  19. I haven’t seen too many of their games mate but I actually think he’s done pretty well with what he’s got on hand? They started the season well from memory
  20. I just wonder what the players think about May coming in for $800k after his pre season/season issues? Wonder if it’s upset a few at the club. I kind of thought early last year the same thing with Lever. Would have to affect the culture?
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