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    New South Wales

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  1. Jack Viney doesn't get wet, water gets Jack Viney
  2. Mate me too, you are not alone but we're lucky we live in a time where there is a lot of help available. For me, alcohol is one thing that always makes both worse so despite loving a few dozen beers I have to mostly avoid the stuff to function. Maybe a trip to the GP? There is help out there but is blokes tend not to for whatever reasons. I'm on a anti depressant that really helps, despite my initial reluctance to try.. Things do get better but sometimes we can be our own worse enemy's. Talk to someone bud, you can get on top of it!
  3. Won't hold that against him
  4. Essendon Football Club. A disgrace to the sport. Time to move on
  5. He was never going to be a star, let's face it, but I like him. He's evolved into a good club player over the years and he's a character. Until somebody can earn that spot of him rightly..
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