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Deemented Are Go!

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Posts posted by Deemented Are Go!

  1. 1 hour ago, Bobby McKenzie said:

    Also not factual, Jack Reiwoldt hardly got a touch in our previous three encounters with the tigers. Due to have one good game. 

    No respect? Rubbish! All 7 teams who have played us this year know they have been playing! Have a look at the relieved faces of the teams that scraped home against us.  Richmond players were ecstatic to have won against an injury hit team with only two players on the bench. No doubt because they had not beaten us for three years.

    Sad that the writer saw fit to criticise Goodwin after just 7 games. Already, Simon has instilled hardness and a strong never give up attitude. We are certainly not a bruise free football team anymore. 

    Simon just now has to develop that all important facet of our game CONSISTENCY! He will I am sure. Our best quarters are blindingly brilliant. Wait till we put four of them together and feel pity for the opposition. It's going to happen oh faithful ones. Go Melbourne!

    Absolutely agree with all of this and yes, unfair to single out a young player like that. 


    What also irks me about this clown's attention-seeking dummy spit is this:

    A dear friend of mine had his heart broken into many pieces in 1996 when his beloved Fitzroy folded and merged with the Bears. He has a brilliant football mind and supported his team through some bleak decades with great, unwavering passion. An avid football fan, he couldn't bring himself to even watch another game until only recently, the pain of losing his club was so great; let alone consider supporting Brisbane. When listening to people talk passionately about footy, he describes a deep envy for their ability to invest emotion into a game they love and take the ride with their team. That was taken away from him. 

    So when I see of this dlckhead behaving like a petulant, 2-year old Richmond supporter and trashing his membership, I would urge him to consider losing your club. Just think about that. We would know, as we came so close to merger ourselves. Yes, we have the right to our expectations and our reactions. But through all the highs and lows, the frustration, angst, nervousness, adrenaline and joy we experience, we have this club and they have us. Let us not take that for granted.  

    To to this guy I say grow the [censored] up, get a grip and have some perspective. If you think publicly denigrating the club and unfairly singling out a young bloke who is trying to find his way and a new coach after only 7 games is okay, then you don't deserved to be a part of the MFC. 


    End rant.


    • Like 11
  2. 9 minutes ago, DominatrixTyson said:

    Aside from the calls for a Bruest or Gunston. What about a delisted player? Lindsay Thomas is currently drawing the ire of Kanga fans for suspension and form and might be delisted at the end of the year. If he was free, why not? He's kicked 322 goals in 200 games. He's currently 29 and maybe has another year or two.

    I'm glad demonland doesn't have a downvote button after this comment although the Moderators could ban me. :)

    Yeah, nah 

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    How do you think Nathan Jones will be feeling? Another year of no finals just slipping away for him.

    Poor bloke.

    From all accounts he did nothing for that cause today. 

    • Like 1
  4. 30 minutes before the game I playfully checked in here for a weather update before taking a dip in the villa pool. 

    By the time I got out of the pool, my wife discovered our 2yo twins were in fact falling ill. Snot, tears and tantrums from as$hole to brick.

    By the time I had extracted enough snot to fill the MCG more comfortably than the MFC fan base from two little faces, we were 35 points down. Miraculous fightback or not, you're rarely coming back from that. 

    I'm glad we won last week because this is: 


    I've written this in a sparing 10 minute window before the kids start crying again, it's going to be a loooong night. 

    And it's all your fault, Melbourne. 


    • Like 3
  5. Just now, Gorgoroth said:

    Its grey overhead, about 15° but when the wind kicks in it's pretty chilly.


    1 minute ago, jane02 said:

    It's clear but absolutely freezing. I have so many layers of clothes on I can hardly move in my seat.


    I'm in my boardies sweating like a motherf***er in 35' with 90% humidity. 

    Might have another dip in the pewal! ??


    carn dees! 

    • Like 3
  6. 38 minutes ago, Uncle Fester said:

    Lance Whitnall


    Incidentally, I used to work with his old man Grahame who played late 70s / early 80s. He's had 3 knee recos since finishing footy and still working as a store man in his late 60's; tough bugger. 

    I would quiz him all the time about his and Lance's time at Carlton but he was reluctant to talk about it. I think the club ended both of their relationships poorly from what I gathered....

    And a gnarly looking bloke who gave his son all his 'bagger' looks. I used to give him shlt and say he had the face of a chewed up Mintie. He would retort with 'Melbourne supporter'. Touché. 

    • Like 1
  7. As a complete side note after reading the Carlton/Collingwood match report, I was pondering the etymology of the nickname 'Blue Baggers'. 

    A google search came up with: 


    • a person who is so ugly that one would have to put a bag over their head (so as to hide their face) before considering having intercourse with them. See also double-bagger.
      That girl I met at the club was a total bagger.
    Can anyone shed further light on this important matter? 
  8. LOL Daniel Wells a late withdrawal for the Filth. 

    What a white elephant that bloke is - very talented but can't stay on the park. 

    And they signed him for what, 3 years? 

  9. 2 minutes ago, leave it to deever said:


    I wonder if other supporters like ours.

    I tried not singing the Richmond tune after our loss ...its bloody catchy

    That and Carltons for me.

    Should do poll

    Aarrgghh, me too man! I was so foul after the Richmond loss and it was compounded by having their catchy song in my head for 3 bloody days!!

    i still maintain ours is the best, however. Many agree 

  10. Just got onto streaming 3aw for the last quarter. And who's dulcet tones am I greeted with? Deerwayne-[censored]-Russell. 

    Id noticed he has been mercifully absent from calling Dees games this year; has he left Foxtel? 

    What an absolute deadbeat.

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