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Deemented Are Go!

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Posts posted by Deemented Are Go!

  1. 4 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    The team is going to lose because a group of supporters dare speculate about the potential for the rest of the season in an online forum. Now I've heard it all.

    Gonzo, I meant the idea of this thread being in the players' minds...

  2. 1 hour ago, KC from Casey said:

    The statistics are out for the game and these are the worst set of numbers I've seen in my time for an AFL aligned club. Proves the view that many at the ground had that (with a couple of obvious exceptions and an injured Angus Brayshaw) the players were acting as witches hats for most of the day.

    Not much joy from the VFL affiliated players either.

    What's going on down there, KC? Why have we been going so poorly? 

    Are the Northern Blues actually any good? 

  3. 6 hours ago, binman said:

    They also called me. Funnily enough on my to do list was changing energy suppliers for both gas and electricity. Have been meaning to do it for ages but hadn't got around to it. They helped me do so and i score a dees 2017 jumper. Nice one.

    Man, they just called me too. After I said "no thank you, I'm not interested", he just carried on. I had to hang up on the bloke he was rabbiting on so hard.

    I'm all for a great new sponsor for the club but don't feel comfortable with the club providing Iselect with our phone numbers for spruiking purposes.

  4. Just now, Lucifer's Hero said:

    Can we send a humble pie to SEN for Garry's enjoyment. 

    With 'Not Mentally Brittle' iced on top.

    Hope he has the good grace to pump the team's tyres, this week!!

    I think he will. I reckon he's pretty reasonable and balanced with his analysis. He may even claim the lashing 'worked' ala Patrick Smith!

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  5. Morning all - up and about since 5am.

    Eggs are poached, bacon is rendered, tomatoes roasted ready for Mother's Day brekky.

    Wife's in bed with a cuppa, kids are still asleep (?!) and I've got the replay on.

    Bout to pop out and buy the flowers for wife and my Mum for later. Ain't life (a) grand (old flag)?!

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  6. The pants were off, the scarf was waving and the dimmies went flying as my wife and mother in law came home from dinner with as Truck got his goal with about ten minutes left! 

    I asked how their dinner was and they said not as good as mine by the looks of things! 



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