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Deemented Are Go!

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Posts posted by Deemented Are Go!

  1. 13 hours ago, Caligula's Cohort! said:

    I'm all for AFLW league, but if you want to be professional, then you need to look professional. Daisy Pearce and Mel Hickey are obviously the role models for the game. But when I see players like Cranston who to me looks 15kgs overweight, it just doesn't look good for the game. I saw several large women running around across the games on the weekend and I honestly couldn't take it seriously. Schoolboys could run all over them. I haven't even mentioned skills yet, but gosh they were atrocious and on par with a under 16's schoolboy games just from watching the first half of the Melb vs GWS game.

    In short, work on your bloody fitness so you can at least resemble an athlete and learn how to kick properly and you'll make the game more bearable to watch. 


    Um, she lost 15 kgs since last season and of her 3 goals, one was outrunning an opponent and another was the match-winner. Not to mention a sublime pick-up at full speed out of a contest which we'd marvel at in the men's game. All in the second half when other players were running out of gas.

    Looks pretty good to me. 

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  2. 18 minutes ago, PaulRB said:

    I was reading on the AFL site the other day about the MCC’s top 5 anticipated games for 2018, and Melbourne are playing in two of them, same as the “power” (gag) clubs... and it occurred to me that we may be more progressed as a team and a club than I’d allowed myself to believe. 

    I read analysis of our list, both on here and in footy sites, and many are genuinely bullish, not just about a couple of players, but a dozen with many already blooming... 

    i fear to acknowledge it, but I’m starting to feel we may be on the cusp of something very special, and I mean more than the Doggies and Tigers of the last couple. 


    Do you have a link to the article, PRB?

  3. 5 hours ago, Colin B. Flaubert said:

    Stereotypes only matter if you let them bother you. 

    I barrack for Melbourne. I was also born in Melton South (not exactly a den of the privileged) and I went to state schools all my life. I fell in love with the Dees because of blokes like Balls Grinter, Steve O'Dwyer, Big Jimma and Allen Jakovich (though he came later). The whole blueblood thing has never appealed to me.

    I am interested @Deemented Are Go! about the number of Geelong supporters in that neck of the woods. I noticed myself that they are about when I lived in Ringwood (occasional bumper stickers). Geographically didn't make much sense but I guess winning does help. Not so much Essendon.

    But you were right about the Dawks. Come 2010 when I lived there, they were everywhere.


    Yeah I just remember heaps of Geelong supporting families in my primary school days. I played a game of little league at Waverley, Melbourne v Hawthorn 1989 , round 19.  The majority of kids on my team (Croydon North FC) were Geelong and Hawthorn. We had to wear the MFC strip much to my delight and their horror. 

    We won the little league game (I kicked 0.2 from the forward pocket) , but Melbourne lost to Hawthorn in the seniors. I’ll never forget we sat as a team to watch the last quarter and I was outright bullied by the other kids  as the game slipped away. I lost my taste for little league but strengthened my resolve as a Dees tragic: me against them kinda stuff.

    Kids are brutal! 

  4. 6 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

    Be afraid. Be very afraid. 

    Where you goin’, city boy? 

    5 hours ago, doc roet said:

    With no response from the beast to date, one can only assume it has gone to ground in respect 

    of the conclusive evidence, and exposure, as revealed by members of this forum, of the debauchery that occurs 

    in and around Romsey with the Manor being the central hub and gathering place of all the 2 headed,

    wine swilling igor types, but have no doubt , it will be planning some sort of revenge attack on those who 

    seek to expose the true nature of all happenings in and around the area.

    You have reason to be afraid.



  5. 34 minutes ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    Such a great photo, Satyr. But it looks like you've been tied up with some rope. If nothing else, if anyone wants to label all Melbourne supporters as conservative, Range Rover driver-types, we can just show this photo of you as Exhibit A.


    And on that irksome topic of 'typical' conservative Melbourne supporters; I (mis?)spent my youth in the punk/skinhead scene where generally sport is not a highly rated pursuit or interest. Yet I discovered heaps of fellow Dees fans, closeted or not, who despite their anachronistic anti-establishment tendencies love the Red and Blue! 

    As a kid in 1980's/90's outer-eastern suburbia surrounded by fans of successful clubs (Hawthorn, Essendon, Geelong, etc) at school, it was naturally rebellious, even masochistic, to choose the MFC. To back the unfashionable perennial underdog - losers, even. I reckon that ideal is appealing to all sorts of types from all walks of life. And lends itself nicely to the misfit, anti-social approach of the punk scene I and other lifelong Dees fans immersed themselves into in our youth (you know who you are).

    It goes to show the cliche of elitist, private school, Range Rover-driving, Grange-swilling, Portsea-polo-attenting, yuppy Dees supporters may have some truth, but is far from the reality. 

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Demon17 said:

    Romsey/Lancefied is a beautiful part of the Macedon ranges.  BUT, emphasis is on Jake wanting to come home AND he chose us, being able to go to any Vic club. Bummers would have been more convenient.

    The other aspect of the article is just how stressed his life has been last few months, yet he turns up to training early in peak condition.

    Professional.  And only 21.



    Lol, just discussing this with my wife who grew up in and around Gisbourne/Macedon. Unfortunately, Romsey is the backwater of the area known as the ‘inbred’ kinda spot where there’s only four families but relative (pun intended) exponential population growth! 

    A little bit ‘Deliverence’.

    No slight on Jake, though, what a get for MFC! Carn Dees! 

    • Like 1
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  7. 13 minutes ago, DeezNuts said:

    I'm actually interested in understanding whether we're going to continue to implement the frenetic high possession game plan that we clearly started last year,  or whether we fall back to the conventional zone game plan leveraging key position players. 

    Understanding the 'tricks in the bag' that we might implement, and what impact that has across the lines - and for training - would be useful, but likely to be closely guarded. 

    My hope is that we implement something that resembles a high OODA-loop cycle (google it if you've never heard of it). This is essentially making informed decisions quicker, than your opponent can recognise, and taking the initiative, to the point where they become reactive and are forced to play catchups. The approach (furnished during WWII) has now been adopted by investment banks, militaries and other 'industries' where two or more competitors have it out for the advantage.

    Shall be an interesting year.


    Wow, just read up on the OODA loop - fascinating. Sounds good, let’s do it. 

    • Like 2
  8. So my buoyancy for the New Year has been healthy. 

    In high spirits, I packed up the family for a day at the beach on a beautiful day. Frolicking in the water with my young twin daughters, building sandcastles, eating sandwiches and much merriment ensued. 

    Then 3 boofhead blokes and their squeezes set up shop next to us. I noticed 2 of them were wearing Collingwood FC shorts. Then I realised with horror it was Adam ‘the list’ Trelaor, Daicos junior and some other knuckle dragger I couldn’t identify. 

    Trelaor was playing the alpha male and generally being an a-Grade [censored] as the boys played some beach cricket and the girls spent time bronzing their bodies, giggling at the boys’ hilarities and taking selfies. ‘You’ve gotta be better than that’ yells Trelaor as his mate puts down a slips catch in the shallows. 

    Clearly distracted, one of my girls did a wee on my foot. In a fluster, we decided it was home time. My attempts to fold up our new beach shade tent were nothing short of disastrous (how do you fold the bloody thing back into a circle is anyone’s guess). As I flailed and cursed, I could see the 3 boofheads guffawing and their WAGs giggling at me. 

    It took every ounce of self control not to outburst at them by either making one of many CFC jokes or hurling rocks at them and blaming my 2.5 year old daughters.

    Trudging back to the car with unfolded tent and two cranky toddlers with sand up their bums had memories of Round 23 rising in my gullet like reflux from eating a Big Mac too quickly. 

    Happy [censored] New Year everyone.

    May the Dees rise and the Pies remain in their deluded mediocrity. BLEUGHH 

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