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Deemented Are Go!

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Posts posted by Deemented Are Go!

  1. despite the opportunity for a sleep in after a [censored] of a week - no chance. Up with the kids at 5.45 , butterflies, excitement. 

    Domestic distractions/duties this morning. We just moved house and as such, our local big shopping centre is Norflands . Gonna rock my 1994 Dees jumper down to Bunnings and KMart. It seems Filth/Bummers/Carlscum territory round these parts, but IDGAF , MFC REPRESENT!! 

    Then hop a Mernda train down to Jolimont to our hallowed turf..

    So freakin pumped LETS DO THIS ✊???

    • Like 6
  2. How’s the Bear’s side looking? Full strength or close to? 

    *Haven’t been across this game as we’ve been moving house this week. Foxtel got installed yesterday thank god. Last time we moved there were massive issues and didn’t have Fox footy for first 5 rounds. Out of desperation I drew a dodgy picture of stick figures playing footy and stuck it on the TV. 

    Carn Demons  


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  3. 56 minutes ago, Smokey said:

    I really wish the boys would stop saying "obviously" so much in interviews. It really is bothering me more than it should. 

    I've officially run out of meaningful things to complain about with regard to the Melbourne footy club - how good is that! 

    AGREE! A prime offender is Michael Long - I heard him give an interview talking about great indigenous initiatives and literally every second word was 'obviously' which totally spoiled the message. Obviously. 

    • Haha 1
  4. A couple of years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting (or fanboy ambushing, call it what you will) Daisy at my workplace. She graciously signed a picture, made out to my then two year old twin girls. The picture has been stuck to our fridge ever since.

    The other week, I took the girls to their first ever game of footy - the AFLW game against the Filth at Vic Park. The previous night, I proudly presented them with their first MFC jumper and revved them up for a day on the terraces. As my heart burst with pride, they declared they we 'just like Daisy' and proceeded to start training immediately in the living room. What a day we had watching the girls beat the old enemy on their own infamous, stinking turf! It worked on another layer too as my Pies loving father used to take me there as a kid before and after I 'Deefected', and he joined us, much to his spiritual chagrin. Poor grandpa.

    Anyway, the only issue I had was the girls craning their necks, frantically trying to find Daisy. I explained that Daisy wasn't playing because she was close to having twins, just like them, but this excuse didn't wash and I had to quickly placate them with popcorn and hot chips. They expected Daisy to have played yesterday too! I expect them to debut in 2034 at CHF/CHB, no pressure.

    How good is it that my little ones have such an awesome role model and a whole generation of girls can now look up to heroes just like them. Daisy is a massive asset to the MFC and AFL in all areas and she just bloody rocks.

    Congratulations to Daisy and her partner and welcome to the wild and wonderful world of multiple parenting!


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  5. On 1/24/2019 at 4:22 PM, Biffen said:

    Good luck Mike!!

    As a bearer of the same surname, I’ve copped this one ad nauseam ?

    Also ‘Phil’ as first name, ‘Mike’ second name. 

    Lift, Biffen, I expect more originality from you next time! 

    BTW my grandad’s nickname was ‘Pork’, rest his soul. ?



    • Haha 1
  6. Ok, everyone can relax now...I FINALLY GOT MY MEMBERSHIP PACK in the mail today. 

    Everything in tact except no TMac picture on my card as requested. Which maybe is a good thing cos last year I had Hunt and he had a shocker. Don’t wanna jinx TMac. 

    • Haha 1
  7. On 1/3/2019 at 8:50 AM, Dee Zephyr said:

    Would anyone mind posting a pic of the new scarf? Anyone object? Good, please post.

    Good to see a few cars kitted out in 2019 stickers around here, not many of us in the northern side of Melbourne. 

    I would mind. 


  8. One of my favourite bands is Demented Are Go!, a Welsh psychobilly band who started in the early 80s and are amazingly still going despite decades of debauchery. 

    Featuring demonic hits such as: 

    Satan’s rejects, House of Blood, Love seeps like a festering sore, Who put grandma under the stairs, Queen of disease, Brand new corpse, Cripple in the woods and Demon angel.

    No brainer, really.

    Plus the Thunderbirds reference in the band name, which I loved as a kid. 

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  9. Fellow Demonlanders, 

    this Xmas I’m getting my 3yo girls their first Dees jumpers. They are big for their age so was thinking size 5 or 6 so they get some wear out of them. Was hoping for advice on best price from where. 

    Do far I’ve seen $70 on MFC website for sleeveless game day jumper,  $90 (!) at Cotton On for sleeveless AFLW game day jumper size 6 and today $55 in AFL store for sleeveless game day jumper. 

    Does anyone know if I can find cheaper anywhere? I have to get 2 as they are twins! 

    Thanks in advance for any pointers! 

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