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Posts posted by Gunna’s

  1. 15 minutes ago, The heart beats true said:

    I’d love to ask Glenn Bartlett what his criteria for an external revue is (if falling from top 4 to second bottom doesn’t justify it).

    Turn up the heat Glenn. It’s your job mate.

    Much rather go to a revue than the mcg this year....?

    • Like 3
    • Haha 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, olisik said:

    0 tackles for Viney and Jones. Was at the game and saw Jones Coast off the back of packs trying to get cheap touches. Didn’t see him get into a sprint once. His done.

    Agree. For someone quibbling about his contract offer, you’d hope he would put in more effort

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Megatron said:

    What? Surely you’re kidding.

    Collectively - no issue with one or two but for all of them in the 1sts........no

    Petty has looked better as forward in the last few weeks (not tonight). But weiderman has greater upside IMO

  4. 1 minute ago, praha said:

    How did you all not see that coming? Skills are pathetic.

    Are you an umpire? Or related to one?

    Yes we make skill errors but we have to do so much more with decisions that are paid against and not paid for us. If the umpiring was better then skills would be the only issue to worry about but sadly that’s not the case. 

  5. Just now, wizardinoz said:

    Maggots crucifying us frees 4 to 12

    Its not the free count that is the issue. It’s that there are rules that are only enforced when it benefits one side tonight  

    Free kick stats should be lopsided. They should be based on actual infringements which would be coincidental if it were the same. 


    2 minutes ago, Cam Schwab's Whiteboard said:

    Heard an umpire say that Ra Richmond player wasn't holding the ball because he was already on the ground. Where was that rule for Gawn a few weeks ago?

    The inconsistency in umpiring is a disgrace, and the AFL only have themselves to blame.

    It wasn’t the player, it was the ball the umpire was referring to. Implying he didn’t drag it in as it was already under. 

    Very subjective but that is how they continue to get the tick of approval 

  7. 1 minute ago, —coach— said:

    Yep I see where I went wrong there.

    You can actually hear the excitement in the umps voice every time they pay one to Richmond, and then you can hear the reluctance when they are forced to pay one our way. Hey 

    They are scum

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