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Posts posted by Gunna’s

  1. 1 minute ago, JakovichScissorKick said:


    Its absurd how much charity they get.  They are the only Victorian team with a home ground advantage and who get to train on their home ground.  

    They got Dangerfield or virtually nothing too.

    Makes me sick.

    Try living in the town.......

    I hate that they make finals due to a soft fixture then flunk it in September most years. 

    I know asking for equality is just too much to ask for 

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  2. ANB was a bit of a scapegoat for the teams poor year. The fact we had a lot F50 entries should have been his bread and butter, but like the other 21 the ball came out over their heads into our D50 in a flash. Not sure if this was rule changes, preseason or desire. But hopefully our recruitment of wingers will get ANB back to his 2018 best and if not even better. 

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  3. Fits the MFC mantra of hard at it (with questionable skills). 
    Will it delay the progress of one of our youngsters? Probably, but it will show them what’s required to get to premiership levels. 
    If dirt cheap why not. 

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