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Posts posted by Gunna’s

  1. 1 minute ago, Brownie said:

    How about that grub Stringer in the first or second quarter. Gave away a free to Nev and then need him in the face. No 50

    He is a filth rat. 

    Couldnt believe the non decision at the time. In hindsight, we wouldn’t have received a 50 even if he was eye gouged, then punched in the face and then held in a choker hold. 

    • Like 3
  2. 12 minutes ago, MaysSoreGroin said:

    Im wasting my life with this team and just footy in general. Rules committee can go F itself, 6 - 6 - 6 shove it.

    Well this was the first game where both sides scored over 100 points. 6-6-6 will stay, we just need to learn how to exploit it

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Deesprate said:

    Extremely eloquent why don’t you listen to the coach no excuses irrespective of whether the umpiring was [censored]. Good team overcome bad umpiring it that simple.

    If he makes a comment he will be fined. What is spoken behind closed doors would be greatly different. Agreed good teams can overcome [censored] umpiring but to think they didn’t have an influence is very naive 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, waynewussell said:

    You only have to look as far as AFLW to see how contrived the FIXture is to ensure $$$$$ and that means favourable outcomes for the teams that have huge membership! We played a game tonight that would have resulted in a win if there were no umpires! If you or any supporter can't see that... you probably think corruption can only exist overseas

    At the same time, how blessed are we to have a Friday night game??? We aren’t even the first game of the round. You can’t say that we have a commercial benefit when the game isn’t the first of the week. 

    Again yes, from the media to the organization itself....corruption is rampant

  5. 2 minutes ago, Mydee said:

    Each year I consider my options of avoiding a bitter Canberra winter, amongst muy considerations are the fortunes of the MFC. This year I was actually thinking of forgoing my annual desrtion because I was delusional enough to think that that the risk of Frost bight may be offset by chance of success How stupid - avoid the Frost at all costs 

    South East Asia here I come

    I like the Frost pun

  6. 2 minutes ago, Deesprate said:

    Anyone blaming the umpires is kidding themselves. Spine Wied, TMac, OMac, Frost = years of heartbreak. This team is absolute crap.

    [censored] off. They have made disgraceful decisions all night in scoring position. 

  7. 32 minutes ago, Beetle said:

    Exactly, when was the last time you can remember a Melbourne player hitting a clean pin point pass to a player on the lead inside 50?

    When was the last time you saw a Melbourne player lead and have space on his opponent?

    And when was the last time you saw a MFC midfielder with time to be able to make a pass with ‘composure’?

    unfortunately it’s not our game style

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, willmoy said:

    Meanwhile in maggot world, the buzzwords of the weekend were "arms around a player being unfairly kept from the contest " must be paid as free kick except if your wearing Red and Blue, kicking in danger paid unless by Danger, Ablett/God, all tackles against MFC players legitimate... ie do what you like. .....and i hope everyone in yellow on that ground tonight gets the flu.

    Ha. I said I hope they get pneumonia at the ground. They were woeful again (toward both sides). 

  9. 4 minutes ago, willmoy said:

    Funny you know, i thought they collectively showed more than last week. Even though the scoreboard showed differently. Which brings me to the point of post. They to me have been, dare i say it, purposely underdone and are gradually switching on. I'm game to say it. If i'm wrong it's  going to be a long learning curve for this young group.

    Totally agree

    a post earlier mentioned that the FD did elective surgeries as this isn’t our premiership year, which I agree with too

    we will come good, by rounds 7-9 we will be on all cylinders.  

    Just need to hope that not too much damage is done before then


    • Like 1
  10. 29 minutes ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

    The other aspect of the May suspension, similar to the Viney one a few years back that the later got off, is that he essentially just held his ground and protected himself whilst the other player charged at him paying very little attention to where he was going.  I haven't seen the incident from the other night, but to me it appears similar in so far as there wasn't intent to line the player up and take them out, the main difference being down to a bit of luck as to where the contact was/wasn't made, though due to May's height, he is probably more likely than most to make head contact and he should be aware of that.

    If the AFL is going to be serious about reducing head injuries, then it also needs to put some empasis on players with or going for the ball going on kamikaze missions.  In the May instance, I'm pretty sure that the Brisbane player had general awareness that May was there, otherwise he wouldn't have dished off the handball when he did.  As much as May could have avoided the contact or made contact differently, the Brisbane player could also have acted to have avoided contact.  Instead the Brisbane player dished off the ball, ball watched, looked for ways he could have stayed involved with the play and pretty much expected that May would just jump out of his way.  It's not like May came and snipped him from behind or otherwise out of his vission. 

    This realization of needing protect your own body is something that has enabled Angus Brayshaw to further a career that might otherwise have ended.

    Agree entirely. Not so long ago the player expected contact and braced/positioned so that it didn’t cause harm. Now players are diving in head first, leading with the head and, in Mays instance, running blind in there surroundings. 

    I want football actions (bumps, tackles etc. ) to be treated differently to non-football actions (jumper punches, open hand punches, punches to guts, eye gouging etc. ).  Perhaps with double penalties for non football actions.

    May’s hit on both Berry and Martin were football actions (bump) and caused by the players not bracing/expecting impact. 

    The world is changing to place where it’s everybody else’s responsibility for you!!!

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, chookrat said:


    Also if we do appeal i believe the rules have changed so that May does not risk a longer suspension but instead the club have to pay a fine in the event we are unsuccessful. 

    If there is no risk to the Geelong game in rd 2 then we have to appeal. 

    Stupid act....but not worthy of a week. 

    20 years ago berry would have braced and got back up. They (the afl) want free flowing footy from yester year, with that, i would like the bump back from yester year (albeit legal hard hits not to the head)

    • Like 1
  12. On 3/4/2019 at 7:43 PM, Mazer Rackham said:

    like: beer


    dislike: is that like not liking something? it is? in that case i dislike not having beer


    like: drinking


    dislike: not drinking. unless it's eating nuts or chips in which case i start drinking


    like: getting drunk


    dislike: not getting drunk


    like: being drunk


    dislike: getting .... what's the opposite of being drunk? disdrunk? undrunk? i don't know. whatever it is-- no ... no .. whatever it is ... i don't like it. i even dislike it.


    like: footy


    dislike: uvver sports. unless it's footy. then i like it. but this is about things i dislike. running out of beer, not having any beer. you know. things like that.

    like: beer. did i say that already? you sure, mate?


    another like: essadan. and james hird. by jeez, james hird. now i feel like another beer.


    like: writing about footy. except the writing part. that should be a dislike thing. except i get paid. that's the bit i do like.


    dislike: not having money. you ever wake up and you've got no money but lots of empties and old betting tickets?  i have. and i dislike that. then i have to write some more. and i dislike that too. it's enough to drive a man to drink. oh, and i like james hird too. put that in. whose shout is it? yours? thought so.





    Only thing missing is his hand over his mouth as he is speaking


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