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Everything posted by Gunna’s

  1. That bounce was incontestable for Jackson. Play on!! FMD umpires
  2. Poor kids. What did they do to deserve that?
  3. FMD that’s horrendous umpiring. Clearly Vineys hands first to it
  4. Where’s the consistency. That [censored] had an eternity
  5. Dees not pretty but take the 4 points and worry about next week
  6. What a bounce from the umpire to start the second half
  7. What happened to the heartbeat before the bounce?
  8. Just read 30 pages from 100. Was great to read and see various teams supporters point of view. Hope someone has the time to turn it into a podcast/talking book. Would love to drive into work hearing the comments. Thanks for the link
  9. Elected to bump. Hit the head. Should be a week considering it’s the spectacle of the year with all eyes watching. Will anything come if it……no he is a pet of both umpires and afl. Another turning point though was burgess. We ran over the top of them and they couldn’t get near us.
  10. You can thank me later. Changing from shorts to trackies at half time was a risky move but it paid off
  11. This is fantastic. Surreal. Wishing we were all there celebrating together. See you this time next near at the G
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