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Everything posted by sisso

  1. Would love to us play with a bit more run and flair, I know opening up the game hasn’t worked well this season but our stagnant ball movement is so frustrating to watch, especially in the 4th where we just looked terrified to take the game on at all. The only time we’ve really looked fluent this season is in the practice game against Carlton and rd 1 vs the Dogs apart from that it’s been a struggle…that said i still enjoy getting to the G and supporting the boys it’s not always going to be rosy, I think everyone is trying hard it just isn’t coming together much at the moment
  2. Season over if we lose….we’ll find out tonight how much the boys still want it
  3. Looking at this score line it’s hard not to believe that we are genuinely the worst side in the comp right now….
  4. We’re not gone for the season yet while I agree it looks grim perhaps one good victory could turn it around…Carlton got a soft kill last season against Gold Coast and didn’t look back from there. We still have talent it’s not like the list is suddenly North from 3 years ago level
  5. We’re scared of Collingwood: every time we play them they bash us up and we do not respond
  6. We won plenty of the ball but did sfa with it, stuffing around with dinky kicks, handballs that went nowhere and repeated long bombs to the pocket…the filth went quick and direct when they got it the difference in purpose and confidence was stark….we played like that in 2021 always driving the ball forward but it’s slowly dissipated ever since
  7. Our team has completely forgotten how to play in the space of a few weeks
  8. Hope to see us at least play with some run and energy….have looked pretty flat this season apart from some decent patches
  9. Hope we can play well tomorrow but gee those ins don’t exact inspire….
  10. exactly - better to go and give it back to them
  11. Yes sitting there at the G today I was thinking that’s looks like our premiership best when we go completely beast mode and no other side can handle it….havent seen it a lot this season yet but great to know the guys still have it in them
  12. Very pleased to be wrong about this one I though the Saints would give us a real scare but apart from that burst in the 2nd we cruised through
  13. Yeah I know but at least if we’re not expected to win and we do you get double enjoyment!
  14. Betting on the favourites is a sure way to end up bust too!
  15. I reckon you’d be better betting on us when we are underdogs, smarter strategy
  16. But I thought you always bet on the opposition?
  17. No idea if we will win today…the club seems a bit flat and sadly we are in that place where you can’t 100% trust in our performance at the moment
  18. Our team looks good on paper but like last week I am worried about this one again…..we’re playing an older and slightly slower side will we have enough run to match the Saints? They aren’t all they good but they are stacked with runners….
  19. Felt sick about this game all week wish my instincts were wrong occasionally…
  20. I’ve been a bit worried about this game all week for some reason….
  21. For some sick reason getting into it with the Collingwood ferals is making me look forward to it more! Hope we win so we can give them a nice send off wave
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