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Everything posted by pinkshark

  1. Fckd if I know. Only the devil knows what masterstroke Goodwin will come up with at selection. No doubt he'll overthink it. Either way it has to be that Omac never plays again. He is absolutely the worst footballer I have ever seen in the afl. Perhaps in any level of football. No joke, he offers nothing. Slow in action, slow to respond, timing is mostly appalling. He is just slow. Jones brain fades the week earlier were not as bad as his decision making in quarter 2 yesterday. To use his non preferred to enter into fifty when these were scarce anyways was unforgivable. To use his left again for a short dinky pass when he was in range just mindboggling. His body language is atrocious. I blame goodwin for this as well. He has [censored] him up. Viney is just dumb. Has to get out of the midfield. He'll just be dumb wherever you put him. But then again, he has no right side ability whatsoever. Harmes is lost. That unwillingness to run through the middle summed that up. These blokes are tired of Goodwin. There is no love for the guy. Its friggin obvious. He has no rapport with them down on the bench (when he is there). Very little support for him comes out any of their mouths for him now as well apart from the standard bullshid that any young player will offer up about a coach. I dont have a clue. Don't even care. We just need some matchwinners in the next 3 consecutive games. We need to get lucky. It has come down to that. Where in god's name is Bennell and farmer. Is Nev really that bad. And ANB can pack his bags as well. He is, always has been, always will be, just an average player. He does nothing. How embarrasssing. We have to get lucky Demonlanders. How desperate and sad. But I'm not gonna say we are joke of a club. We just need an experienced coach. Not some impressive power pointing presenting , new age, wokish, inexperienced first year coach. A coach that keeps it bloody simple. Its a ridiculously overthought game these days, particularly by the likes of blokes like Goodwin. From his selection to his game day tactics (or lack of) to his lack of emotion shown, his lack of animation in the coaching box, his appointment of a failed coach as his assistant. He takes one step forward, and three back. Rant over. Sorry
  2. Please don't mention this name. At least not whilst we have goodwin in our midst. With Covid screwing life up as well, I just can't take the pain.
  3. Cam we stop ****img talking about Richardson. He was [censored] at St. Kilda and he is still [censored]. Its not complicated at all.
  4. another goodwin unforgiveable. The list is long. Just outrageous
  5. 100%. Ridiculous. I had departed for the shower before this happened. I'd seen enough. My 11 year old ran down to me and shouted 'Dad, Oscars up forward" Convinced I misheard him I shouted back 'Who?' 'Omac' came the reply '[censored]' 'Yep' And there in the shower, on the 3rd of September, 2020, water splashing down on me the last fires of hope I had for this season were extinguished. If by chance we still scrape into the finals it will have nothing to do with our coach. He is pathetic. Since his treatment of Watts, and his appointing of two captains I have been unable to appreciate anything this bloke does. An absolute disaster of a coach.
  6. Because they are all sick of Goodwin. Like me.
  7. I know mate. I was being sarcastic.
  8. He was a genius on here last week, and McDonald was a good footballer. I need a really high mountain to scream from the top how wrong both these thoughts are. [censored] performance. Mostly a [censored] team. But we cant get rid of them so lets just get rid of our coach. Please. Gooodwin supporters on here you need to extract your heads out your arses.
  9. Knows his name now though. Interesting to see his win loss record Vanders. He is valued for his hardness. Absolutely no doubt.
  10. I believe they should try and win football games and worry about the finals if, and when they make them.
  11. Well the consensus on here is that Goodwin deserves a lot of credit. But prior to the game consensus on here also suggested it was the worst team we have fielded in years and no one seemed to be happy with the ins and outs with the exception of a few. What is true is that it is the first time in a long time he seems to be credited with 'coaching' well. I'd be satisfied with him if this acknowledgment was more of a weekly basis thing. I think any fan would. But good on him tonight if he managed to coach well. Long may it continue. I don't hate the guy, I've just been disappointed with him immensely as a coach. MInd you though, it is also very possible that we did simply win because May and Trac were guns. Plonking Goody in the genius coach box all of a sudden is not for me.
  12. Thanks for checking in. I'd still sack him tomorrow. Do not rate him.
  13. yes I had the same feelings regarding his comments. He cares so much for us. Fantastic. May's post match words were great as well. He seems like a great bloke. As well as an awesome player. Tough tough win. I'm absolutely no fan of Oscar McD. I think he is absolutely terrible. He's the slowest reacting footballer Ive ever seen play. Boggles my mind. Rivers should be in each and every week. Just a very good young footballer. So play him and he'll be a bloody star. Its friggin obvious isn't it?
  14. Yes indeed it is a sad story. Uneducated, immoral, scum of the earth human beings that participated in his abuse. Worryingly they still exist in large numbers. But the tide is turning, albeit somewhat slowly. I'm a school teacher. This article should be on the Primary School reading curriculum. I will ensure children in Year 6 at my school read this and share their opinions. You cannot believe how valuable such an activity can be in shaping opinions in young children. When I went through primary school as a student there was absolutely zero when it came to highlighting indigenous racism. Not a damn thing. The world is changing because as teachers we present the facts and realities to children now. We have to. We can't just bullshid our way through because they can just go home and google information themselves. We need to be honest and I find teaching a much richer experience when young children are given the opportunity to absorb facts and share their thoughts. They are not stupid at all, and full of empathy for the wronged and as I said, the conversations they wont forget. It will shape their views. It must. So if you have the courage ask your young child or grandchild to ask his teacher if he can have a 'show and tell' in the form of reading out this article to his classmates. Just so they hear it. Whatever way you butter your bread we have been historically and horribly racist as a nation. It will only improve with the younger generation, as it already is, becoming adults, and it will only end when the racists of old die. Old racists like the 70+ year old at the pub many months ago when I went to watch the Wilder/Fury 2 heavyweight title fight. I've been a Fury fan for a long time. Since well before he became famous. I've also been a big fan of Wilder. But it was Fury who I wanted to win because he needs to be recognised as one of the greatest heavyweight boxers there ever has been. The old bloke sidles up next to me, pint in hand, "so who you going for mate?" he asks, "Fury" I responded, waiting for it. "Yeah [censored] the big black bastard" he said "It's nothing to do with skin colour mate, they're both champions, I just happen to be a huge admirer of Fury's boxing" I stood up and wandered to another screen, and this old fart just stood there, sipped from his beer, seemingly unable to comprehend that I didn't share his pointless racist attitude. This was in my hometown, my hometown pub, this bloke probably knew my father when dad was alive, and I would've no doubt known the children of this blokes mates most likely. This was the type of guy who pointlessly abused Robbie Muir for simply the colour of his skin.
  15. Beaten by a better side on the day. And a better, smarter BTDT coach. 50m penalties cost us two goals. Kicking into a man on the mark 30 out doesn't help. Viney one of the bulldogs better players I thought. Tries to give it the old dusty way too often and as he is the size of a [censored] teddy bear he is not effective at it. Just gets wrapped up. Like the tigers earlier in the year when we had a chance (albeit slim) to come back our skills went walkabout (lockhart, petracca, brayshaw kicks) Dogs midfield were better all day, from the first bounce. Someone always kicks a bag against us or a PB. Wallis today. May and Lever pretty bloody decent I thought. [censored] of a day. Didnt take our chances and they took them in the third quarter.
  16. What a cracker of a performance. Smashed them.
  17. Hilarious. Me and my boys lose it over this.
  18. North were terrible. Absolutely bloody hopeless. So it was right we finished them the way we did, but theres a few on here getting a bit carried away. Still though, God love the dees for keeping themselves alive. Brayshaw is all class. Harmes has been terrible all year. He's lost it. Give him a spell. Loving Lever. Lots of good players tonight who all at times did typically stupid things and exhibited poor decision making and executed skills poorly. Id love to be super excited about that but North were effing deplorable. Bring on the Pies!
  19. The dees dont really handle captain appointments with any common sense. Grimes and Trengrove. Then Jones/Viney (the viney one as stupid in every sense as the two 7 year old co-captains. Its surely not that big an issue but its clear to most the May is the leader type. He hurts, he rants, he cares.
  20. Why is he listed as 'omitted'? Why not today's buzz word 'managed'
  21. Yes I agree. We will never shut up anyone until we do the obvious. We've dug the hole for ourselves and there is only one way out of it.
  22. I'm [censored] off that Bennell has been omitted. What does Goodwin expect from him? Managed against Port, back against Adelaide (fair enough, he didnt do much) then dropped. He's the classiest player we have had at the club in 20 years, yet others on our list are preferred over him. Give me an effing break. Just give him a run at it ffs! Gawn not playing will at least make it harder for norths mids to play off his tapwork which most teams have been doing this year, so that may not be as big a deal as first thought. But he needs the rest. There is no doubt about that. Tmac is no good in the ruck. Never has been. He can't jump. So maybe our mids can feed off goldstein and daw for a change. They'll have to because Tmac will not make an impact. Nor will Jackson against goldstein and daw. Dunno about this one. Dont feel good about it.
  23. Out: ANB - he's no good. makes zero impact. but he'll be suspended anyway because he is also a dumb shid. In: Hannan or Pickett Max has to play. We need this win. He'll be right. Bennell has to stay in as well because he is a class footballer and we have F.A of them. And wtf is the difference between managed and rested? FMD. Its just another phrase coaches are using to make them sound sophisticated. Goodwin loves making it all sound more complicated than it is. He managed Bennell a couple of weeks ago Goodwin and 'managed' to f things up! Keep it simple coaches. Pick your most talented players. We aren't good enough to be doing otherwise. Is Vandenberg hurt or not?
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